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Level Designer Needed

Hello fellow artists,

My name is Sean Kelly. My work can be seen at here and I'm currently working on aSci-Fi FPS. The team, Dynamic Gaming currently consists of myself and two other concept artists. We have already a total of about 12 concept paintings, I have a countless number of sketches on paper, a half dozen models, a growing 10 page design document, developing storyline and thousands of reference images. I intend on using the unreal engine and UDK for this title, with the disturbing title of Meat Grinder. A forum and sdk are still needed, but it is early days still.

I'm mainly a 3d artist, although I can also paint, draw concepts and write, 3d is my main expertise. I have several talented people who are interested in joining me at a later date, but first I want to develop the storyline, level design and concept further. Progress so far has been excellent and we are now ready to begin level design. The prefect level design will know UDK, with modeling and texturing skills.

Meat grinder will be a combination of realistic and comic book style, much like Gears of War and Solomon Kane. The protagonist needs to be developed further, what I have in mind so far he is a grunt soldier abandoned with his platoon on an outpost in a newly colonised planet. Three soldiers reluctantly create a bond, one being a explosive expert, the other a sniper and you the protagonist as an all rounder.

The natives are upset to say the least having to leave their lands and being killed off. Think of the Vietnam or Korean war, with soldiers sent into a forgotten by the public warzone. This will not be another dumbed down, romanticized war epic. It will be show the real horrors of war and the evil mankind is capable of and its consequences.

The aim is to make a 2 level demonstration to pitch to potential publishers in the future. This is an ambitious title that is highly achievable, but I'm going to need your help. It would be next to impossible to create all of this on my own. A website and logo design will be needed soon to give Dynamic Gaming an identity.

I'm open to ideas and want to make the best title possible.

I can be emailed at seankell2000@gmail.com

My msn contract is seankell2000@hotmail.com and skype at sean.kelly233 and I look forward to hearing for you!

All the best,

Sean Kelly
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