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Spice Up Some Faction Symbols

I have three faction symbols that are pretty boring currently. Can anyone turn them into something more exciting? Below I've included the symbol, the factions fluff paragraph, and a possible suggestion.
Any help is welcome.

icon_crusaders.gif (Perhaps put their symbol on a battle worn shield, colors are usually Blue and silver)
Long have the Knights of the Temple guarded the Chroniclers at Denelspire. Oathbound to remain steadfast guardians and take no action, they watched as evil festered and grew at their doorstep. Denelspire was invaded, and Duke Gerard returned to retake the Citadel and make the land safe for the people once more. Now the guardians of Denelspire have become the instrument of the heavens, destined to rout the evil that has permeated the land. By their faith and by their swords they will return stability to Taltos, for they have taken an oath to serve peace, and Gerard has shown that peace comes only after the war has been won.

Icon_reptus.gif (Making the symbol look like it's carved out of a chunk of Jade would be cool)
The Mongkohn have learned the mysteries of existence and have spent centuries contemplating the paths of harmony and of conflict. The outside world has always been ignorant of the noble culture of the Jade Empire, but the innocent years of the past have long gone. The outside world has come in - interlopers, trespassers, and worse. Khong-To has now left the Path of Harmony, determined to preserve his people and their freedom for once and for all. The cycles of nature have come around; the time of peace and meditation is over. The time for war has begun, and only through turbulence will calm return once more to the surface of the Pool of Life.

icon_necropolis.gif (The symbol is supposed to be dripping blood, their colors are black and red usually)
For centuries, the energies of the ancient Necropolis of Thule have drawn necromancers, the undead, and those questing after power. Judas Bloodspire, vampire lord and Anointed of Hars, has seized control of the Font of Power contained within Thule, and from there he plans to gather more souls and more strength, waiting for the day of the Anointing, when he and his followers will know the true definition of power. Until then, the lands of the living will know terror as only The Hunt can bring.
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