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Level Design (ToxicWorks)

Lot of changes with this newest version. Another pass of lighting was done to break up the orange light a bit more. One thing that does need testing is the kismet for the control room. So let me know if you are having issues with it. After the first use the room should be locked for about 5 minutes, then it should open back up again.

*Ability to gas everyone in the level is now working!
*Did a more detailed lighting pass
*Lots of kismet scripting for gas events, post processes & lights.
*All kismet should be working.

ToxicWorks Beta1 Download


  • Ged
    Offline / Send Message
    Ged interpolator
    you gonna make any new static meshes or go with the ut stuff?
  • Apophis3d
    It's pretty much going to be all UT stuff, I am more focused on fun gameplay and making it look awesome. But I may have to make a custom switch or two.
  • tlovemark
    I'm gonna have to give this a runthrough later tonight. Got to do some other work real quick, but I'll definitely take a look at it. Really interested to see how the whole toxic gas thing works.
  • Apophis3d
    Yeah I am trying to figure out how to get Unreal to log all that information so far no dice......
  • Clopticon
    The placement of the control room in the upper left seems to be an odd placement. Its going to mean that players are going to be constantly moving from right to left across the level to get at the room. Those respawning closer to the room will have an advantage over those that respawn further back. With only one entrance in the room also has a high potential to be camped with no one able to dislodge the camper. Im curious as to how the test will turn out. I would look to place the control room in the center with at least 3 ways into it.
  • Apophis3d
    Control room is going to be on a timer and locked at the start of the round. Going to put a little light over the top of it red when its locked green when it can be accessed. If it's green the player can open it but it will sound an alarm so other players know its opening up. Then once inside the player can flip the switch to turn on the gas and get the kill points. After the gas has ran it's course the player inside will be teleported outside of the control room. So he can just not camp inside.
  • tlovemark
    So I played through the map several times and I've got some feedback for ya regarding the layout.

    My biggest critique thus far is the similarity of the room sizes and layouts. It seems like all the rooms are just about the same size and are the same basic square layout without much variation. If you plan on breaking this up by placing static meshes inside the rooms (significant ones that would affect the layout/gameplay) it would be nice to see temporary BSP placed in so we can see how the map would play with them in place.

    Right now it's just half a dozen rooms of very similar sizes and shapes all connected with hallways that are pretty much just straight hallways. Put some structures in the rooms that help break up their shapes. Maybe a room has massive water tanks in it that can be used to hide behind and dodge around. Put some corners in the hallways that could allow for players to surprise each other.

    I would also like to see some more vertical play between the levels aside from the upper deck that leads to the control room. Perhaps one room could have some sort of catwalk system that connects to another, giving players more play area in each room without necessarily increasing the size of the map. Even smaller differences in height, like a split level room, can go a long ways towards adding interest to an area.

    Looking forward to seeing how this turns out and if the gas mechanic makes it into the final release.
  • Clopticon
    oh ok I didnt realize that would happen hope you get the game play you are looking for out of it!
    Apophis3d wrote: »
    Control room is going to be on a timer and locked at the start of the round. Going to put a little light over the top of it red when its locked green when it can be accessed. If it's green the player can open it but it will sound an alarm so other players know its opening up. Then once inside the player can flip the switch to turn on the gas and get the kill points. After the gas has ran it's course the player inside will be teleported outside of the control room. So he can just not camp inside.
  • Apophis3d
    tlovemark wrote: »
    So I played through the map several times and I've got some feedback for ya regarding the layout.

    My biggest critique thus far is the similarity of the room sizes and layouts. It seems like all the rooms are just about the same size and are the same basic square layout without much variation. If you plan on breaking this up by placing static meshes inside the rooms (significant ones that would affect the layout/gameplay) it would be nice to see temporary BSP placed in so we can see how the map would play with them in place.

    Right now it's just half a dozen rooms of very similar sizes and shapes all connected with hallways that are pretty much just straight hallways. Put some structures in the rooms that help break up their shapes. Maybe a room has massive water tanks in it that can be used to hide behind and dodge around. Put some corners in the hallways that could allow for players to surprise each other.

    I would also like to see some more vertical play between the levels aside from the upper deck that leads to the control room. Perhaps one room could have some sort of catwalk system that connects to another, giving players more play area in each room without necessarily increasing the size of the map. Even smaller differences in height, like a split level room, can go a long ways towards adding interest to an area.

    Looking forward to seeing how this turns out and if the gas mechanic makes it into the final release.

    Yeah I like the catwalk idea, going to have to play around with that. I will play around with adding another floor lower. I just don't want to get to many floors that way when the control room opens people still have a fair chance to get to it.
  • Apophis3d
    Playing around with some lighting and over all style of the level.


  • Apophis3d
    Little update playing around with getting some variation out of the rooms. :poly142:

  • tlovemark
    The control room seems very repetitive in terms of the static meshes you've placed. On the right there are three identical computer displays, all spaced out evenly, with three identical wall pieces placed behind them. Then you've got the curved rafter pieces which repeat a ton with nothing to break them up. If the control room is used to pump gas, I'd suggest putting lots of large pipe pieces and valves to further convey that purpose. Rooms which can be flooded with gas should have this big ventilation pieces to give some idea about how the gas is moved through the area. Putting a lot of pipework around the map might also help you break up some of these areas of repetition.
  • Apophis3d
    Updated see first post
  • MattQ86
    Offline / Send Message
    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    This is coming together nicely. I know UDK has some hanging wire meshes that could make the more foggy environments look a bit more Aliens-esque if that is indeed what you're going for.
  • Apophis3d
    MattQ86 wrote: »
    This is coming together nicely. I know UDK has some hanging wire meshes that could make the more foggy environments look a bit more Aliens-esque if that is indeed what you're going for.

    Indeed, still toying with the whole exterior environment also. My idea behind it was the environment outside of the complex is not exactly what were use to on earth. An atmosphere that is not made up of H20, was kind of going off the look of a Venus atmosphere.
  • Apophis3d
    Beta 1 released see first post for download
  • Apophis3d
    Another update to the map, all kismet should be working. Was more reworking to the lighting also.
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