I switched over to Maya for a bit and I'm looking for a tool similar to the Shell Modifier in Max but haven't found one yet. I'm using Maya 8.5. Just wondered if one exists in this program.
Nope, you're out of luck. It's one of my biggest annoyances with Maya, I used the Shell modifier all the time in Max and there's really nothing quite as powerful as that in Maya.
You can kinda hack something together by making an instance object and connecting a polyExtrudeFace node to the outputs (instead of the inputs like it usually goes), but you still don't get a profile curve that way.
You can kinda hack something together by making an instance object and connecting a polyExtrudeFace node to the outputs (instead of the inputs like it usually goes), but you still don't get a profile curve that way.
I had a thread about this a while back:
Maybe you can pick up some ideas from there.