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Robert Rodriguez's Predators



  • zenarion
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    zenarion polycounter lvl 17
    Seeing as I'm no fan of the original movie, I can still imagine this might turn out very good.
    Probably because this is more of a horror film, than an action movie.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    Just saw this. Was a really good flick. Wasn't mind blowing or anything, but if you wanna go see a good action scifi flick, you'll dig it.

    Acting is very good and they all really developed their characters well IMO.
    Effects are overall good, but a few spots that feel subpar in the cg arena. All the live FX (costumes, etc.) are top notch!
    Plot and story wise, meh, not much too it... it's action adventure scifi, not thriller, so don't expect much in that arena. Not too gory either. Felt the original was more gory than this, although there are a few parts that make you say, "that was sick! yus!" so that's a plus :)

    worth watching if you're even a slight fan of any of the previous movies.

    The Piranhas trailer is fucking awesome! Christopher Lloyd ftw!

    Oh, and it is fast paced. Very nice speed to it. Doesn't really slow down too much through the whole thing, and when it does, it is well replaced by solid acting to keep you tuned in.
  • Taylor Hood
    Seen a review from a guy on youtube. He's been a Alien and Predator fan since the 80's and has made several Predator models in Max.
    He said this film had no substance and was a piece of crap watered-down experience...

    I'm thinking kind of like what Michael Bay down to Transformers?
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    Ya, I think we're going tomorrow. Should be good times.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    was awesome. Cube meets Predator.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    It felt reaaaaaaly like the original to the point of being almost a re-make but had some unique stuff. overall I enjoyed it, the pacing was a bit off, they tried to mimick the orginals progression a bit too much and it felt a little empty, but there was some bad-ass stuff to be had for sure.

    the music was heavily influenced as well by the original and there was even a tiny 3-5 second nod to the music from aliens, almost as if to acknowledge they exist in the same universe which i found really awesome.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9

    the music was heavily influenced as well by the original and there was even a tiny 3-5 second nod to the music from aliens, almost as if to acknowledge they exist in the same universe which i found really awesome.

    I was watching Predator 2 earlier and noticed in the Predator ship trophy rack there was an Alien head.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    I was watching Predator 2 earlier and noticed in the Predator ship trophy rack there was an Alien head.

    hahah yea thats a classic scene for sure :D
  • jrs100000
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    jrs100000 polycounter lvl 8
    I want to believe, but there hasnt been a good movie from this franchise since '87. I guess Ill give it one more chance before I write the whole thing off like Terminator.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    If you detach yourself from the franchise and just take it for what it is at its core, an action adventure scifi flick, you'll enjoy it. If you criticize the piss out of it and compare it to others, then you won't like it at all. I felt this one was simply a call back to the original, a tip of the hat, and that was the extent of that venture. From there, it was its own movie, and its own story. They used the space to give it a nice feel moving from an open forest, to a tight enclosed space, and a small battle ground.

    With as many franchise boosters and origin flicks emerging nowadays, you gotta take it with a grain of salt. If you don't, you'll never like another movie for the rest of your life. There is a fine line between bastardizing a franchise and just making a good movie. This is just a good scifi flick. Worth watching. If you masturbate to the Predator franchise like a Star Wars fan, you'll fucking hate it because all you will do is analyze and pick away at what could have been a film you enjoyed to just go watch and enjoy.

    People really need to stop deconstructing movies so harshly. If you plan on doing that, don't bother watching it, because I promise you will be disappointed. AND IMO you can't compare this what other directors are doing with current franchises. For instance (just to make a point as I can see someone using this as a comparison), how Nolan took the Batman franchise and made an epic movie. You can't. Up until then, all the Batman films were campy. Plain and simple. Even some of the early comics and especially the TV series was campy at the core. Nolan took the reinvention of Batman from Miller's dark spin on things and simply ran with it using his own dark art form to flesh out the story. In addition, Batman is a very complex character on many levels. Predator is, well, Predator; an alien that thrives on hunting. You couldn't compare the two on a complexity level by a long shot, so you shouldn't try to compare the two "how one director made an epic movie, why couldn't this guy" because not only are the genres totally different, but so are the basic premises for the core characters. This one is all about the hunt, about what the Predator culture thrives on, and it just works. Just watch it and enjoy it for what it is. It's not over the top, its subtle, and I continue to digress.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Well, Predator concept have been over used many times over and over and it improved from the first time it was ever used so...I personally wont nitpick but wish to see this movie and see how they made it this time.

    Going to watch after work today. Still excited. :D
  • BlackulaDZ
    I saw it last night, and I really did enjoy it. although I wish there was more action. its not that there wasn't enough, I just wanted more.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    Just got back from it. Very enjoyable, even if there was some stuff that bugged me.

    Awesome throwbacks/nods to the original:
    M134 shooting through the jungle in the first 10 minutes.
    Everyone in the group emptying their weapons in one direction, all at once mowing down jungle.
    Music (especially at the beginning) REALLY felt like Predator.
    The Japanese guy, taking off his shirt, and standing in the field with the sword, was totally reminiscent of Billy on the log bridge.
    Long Tall Sally playing at the end Credits.

    Things I liked:
    Crazy ass Larry Fishburn. He was fucking nuts, and played it well.
    They stayed on the planet in the end.
    5 PM, time to rape some bitches.

    Things I didn't like (i.e. Nitpicks):
    Topher Grace's character was OBVIOUSLY evil from the beginning, but had no real purpose, and just felt shoved in there for no reason.

    Maybe it's just the fondness I have for the original, but the Predators in this one seemed way too heavy & grounded. There was little to no jumping around in the tree tops while cloaked. While there were cloaked Predators, they pretty much just stood there trying to look badass. The problem is it really FELT like they were TRYING. The first Predator was super badass, but it didn't feel like he was trying to show it off or anything. The original felt much more agile and mobile. Especially in the scene where there were 2 Predators fighting each other, it felt heavy & awkard.

    Sword Fight in the field. Blah. . . this was a boring and unnecessary fight. I loved the throwback to Billy, but they should have gone all the way. It should have shown the Japanese dude, and the Predator looking at each other, and then flashed away and just heard a scream.

    The chick being the one with 'feelings' or whatever. It was super stereotypcial and cliche, and it would have been much cooler if she'd been just as much of a hardass as the rest of them (as she likely would have been IRL.), and had just shot Danny Trejo right off the bat, and then moved on. As it was, she was the whiny one, and it was just annoying.

    Overall, very enjoyable. You should go see it. Makes me want to watch the first one again for sure.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome movie. Delivered on all counts what I would want from a Predator film. Director respected the franchise while still adding a bit of his own to the fiction.

    Wasn't a character in the film I didn't enjoy.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    Tumberboy: in response to your comment on how the predators were in this one;
    are you talking about just the fighting style in general or this clan of predator? Fishburn hit on this for a split second in the movie during his crazy talks; these predators were a different clan of predator, or different breed, and hence, the different fighting style... they were supposed to be the higher class breed of predator (bigger, stronger, heavier) and the one's from the previous movies were the lower class (smaller, more agile)... don't know if you caught onto that or if you were just commenting on how they went about depicting that breed of predator.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    IMO the pacing was odd, and that's what hurt it for me more than anything.
    I think all the actors did their job well.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Seen a review from a guy on youtube. He's been a Alien and Predator fan since the 80's and has made several Predator models in Max.
    He said this film had no substance and was a piece of crap watered-down experience...

    I'm thinking kind of like what Michael Bay down to Transformers?

    Actually if you put the AVP and AVP2 aside and just stick to the Predator 1 and Predator 2, you may understand the concept of this movie and actually love it.

    I have No objections after watching this movie.

    Except few parts, which I found irrelevant to the main concept but they just put it there at the end for the heck of ending it.

    More like tried and failed creating a twist in the movie. :|
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. I had heard good things, but I loved the homages to the original and thought the acting was good, i even enjoyed the
    ending.. I thought it was great how i was like wow adrien brody you're a dick, then when i saw he was leaving i was like yea you're a major dick.. then I saw the ship explode and I was like GOOD! you got what you deserve. dick. Then he came back and I swooned.

    I was very pleased. good outing for Nimrod Antal. My biggest complaint was the out of place cheesy ass credit music.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    Ya, I caught what Larry said, but I thought he was distinguishing the weird Predator thing they'd just killed out in the jungle (which was grey? and lanky, etc.?) from THE Predators. I didn't understand (if indeed this was his intent) that he was distinguishing THESE 3 Predators, from those we'd seen on Earth before.

    And Cyrael, I totally agree.

    Well, maybe I didn't quite swoon. . .
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    The credit music was a reference to the original Predator movie.

    Anyway going to try not to look or post in this again until I see it.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    shit man, i forgot about that thing... hmmmmmm..... maybe you are right... the breed/class thing was really the only justification i could think of for that one predator to be chained up, that the big three were from the higher class. i don't know what that thing was that was chasing Topher Grace through the woods... the roach/bug thing.... i think it was a killer, just a totally different kind of alien, but was hard to kill, OR, it was brought there to add more fear to the humans, to help flush them out wherever they might hide. i think when the were all looking at it, Isabelle said something like "maybe he thought we were the one's that brought it here", something like that.... that thing was crazy looking. wish they would have shown a little more of it cause i can't find doo doo on the internet but i don't think it was a different class of the predators; could be wrong through and you could totally be on the mark.
  • Monkeez
    Firebert and Tumerboy:
    I just assumed that weird alien thing was more 'game' the predators brought to the planet, like they don't just hunt humans but they actually bring a wide variety of creatures/people/aliens to hunt.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Firebert, Tumerboy, Monkeez:
    Yep, it was another "prey" creature, because if you looked at the Predator camp when they first went there, you saw a skinned carcass of one of those creatures (the weird legs and the multiple thin limbs coming out of the back), so it looks like they were definitely prey too.

    In general I enjoyed it, I went in with fairly middling expectations though, and it just about hit those.
    I actually thought Adrien Brody was actually pretty good in the lead role, better than I thought he'd be, but Laurence Fishburne totally stole the show, his character was awesome.

    Lots of nods to the original, in fact often a bit too much, I thought. I'm a big fan of the first movie so I think I got most of the references (and there were a lot, right down to the credits at the end although that is a pretty obvious one). A lot of the scenes were shot-for-shot copies of the original, the music was mostly Silvestri's original score with some extra atmospheric stuff thrown in here and there, and a few of the lines weren't even homages, they were direct copies.

    The worst part, I thought, were the "predator dogs", they just seemed totally unnecessary and pretty poorly designed, I think they could have cut that whole scene and not really lost anything from the movie.

    Still, it was entertaining and paced fairly well. I think the RottenTomatoes average of 65% is about right.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    Firebert, Tummerboy, Monkeez, MoP:
    In the same vein, I completely forgot about this but they never explained anything about that thing, she missed the creature, but it somehow still died, are we supposed to assume Laurence Fishburne's character killed it?

    one other thing... I just remembered a shot in the trailer that never made the final cut in the movie that I kinda wish had -
    the shot at the end of the trailer where Adrien Brody's character is being lit up by a bunch of different predator scope dots.. that never made the cut of the movie, and honestly I was kind of hoping it had a similar ending to Predator 2, but maybe thats just me..
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    the creidts music was awesome, its the song that was playing during the chopper ride in the original. Buch of slack jawed fagots round here.....this shit will make you a goddamn sexual tyrannosaurus!
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    i think the massive amount of laser dots on Brodey in the trailer was made just for the trailer. In the movie they showed that same scene but only one went to his head and then the dude from prison started shanking the predator's ass "yeah bitch what what". i think all the other dots were comped in JUST for the trailer to build up excitement for the movie and make you wanna see it. i don't think it was a matter of it not making the cut.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    Ya, I was half expecting someone to say "If it bleeds, we can kill it" at some point. . .
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    Yea I figured that after considering the possibilities of perhaps an alternate ending or just spicing the trailer up, I guess I was just a bit disappointed. I had half a hunch the
    "super predators" they were talking about were kind of monitoring the entire situation from a spaceship or something and were going to come in at the end and they were gonna end with that shot in the trailer or something similar.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    Oh! A note on the "hounds" As soon as I saw them, I figured all you'd have to do is run through some thick underbrush to get away from them. With all of those forward facing spikes, they'd be bound to get caught on something. . .
  • beartraps
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    beartraps polycounter lvl 8
    Wow, guess I'm alone here but I thought it sucked ass. Terrible characters except for Fishburn (Brody as badass was hardly convincing),
    hardly a storyline at all, seems like they just made it up as they shot the film. The opening sequence was god awful.
    , atrocious dialogue, fucking awful fire effects, just severely disappointing all around. Unfortunate too because I was a huge fan of the first one and was looking forward to this. The creatures were sorta cool looking and some of the environments were nice... but all around, no thanks..

    and Topher Grace.. someone put a fucking bullet in my head..
    The ending was shit, but whatever, I was just happy for it to be over. The best characters, Danny Trejo and Lawrence Fishburn, die in 5 minutes. I was rooting for every single character to die after that and unfortunately they didn't...
  • Monkeez
    Yep I wanted everyone to die too, I don't understand why they always have to give these types of movies 'happy endings'.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    So, after watching this the other day, my roomates and I, and a few other friends all had a double feature movie night last night. We watched the Original Predator, and Predator 2.

    First one still holds up nicely. Still supremely awesome, if a little goofy at times.

    The second is an atrocity worth watching just to laugh at Danny Glover as the worst cop in history. Just watching him jump around trying to look tactical made me fall out of my seat laughing.

    ETA: after seeing 2, the only thing that could have been Larry Fishburn's character ANY better, would be if he'd been played by Gary Busey!
  • MartinH
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    MartinH polycounter lvl 8
    Loved the movie. Bit of a lame ending but didnt break the movie at all imo
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Saw it today. I enjoyed it but wouldn't really want to see it again. There were a lot of consistency errors and unnecessary things.
    The dogs didn't exactly feel like a creature from the Predator home world. Also they were commanded by the predators to scout similar to a human/dog relationship but they were skinned and hung in their camp?
    The two types of predators wasn't needed and was just a cheap excuse to have the predator hung up in the camp. You can tell by his different facial features and armor that he was the lower breed but it wasn't that obvious. Also if he was a lower breed why did they hang him up and not just kill him? Also how did his arm device control the enemy Predator breed's ship?
    The cloaking devices seemed a bit off. They flashed and lit up when they cloaked and uncloaked while in the older movies they just switch quickly. You'd think that their technology would have advanced since then especially after the discussion about evolving over each hunt.
    Howcome at the very end a new group of prey were being dropped when they had only been on the planet for about 1 day? (Basing the 1 day off of there only being 1 night and them still being beaten and dirty at the end). I guess each Predator hunting season lasts 2 days...
    What's with his obsession to find a way off the planet? At the end of the movie he says "Now let's find a way off this fucking planet." You'd think after the predator easily blew up the ship after it was flying and finding out that the entire planet is a reserve that he'd give up. This brings up another point of some of the dialogue just being stupid along with using fuck way too much in unnecessary situations.

    Well that's all I'll type for now. I don't really like picking apart movies like this but it's sort of frustrating having all these obvious flaws. If you're a predator fan it's probably worth seeing still but you might be disappointed.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Watched it! Loved it! Not as good as the first film. But man. Loved the deaths.
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    I really enjoyed this one. I think I caught most of the callbacks to the original, which were many.

    Loved the convict character. He stole most of the scenes he was in. "Fuck you big alien faggot!"
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    Convict was a winner.
    Other than that I wasnt so big on the other characters, I liked Grace's character well enough, but Brody's character just seemed to know EVERYTHING and the female was fairly bland.
    Big russian guy was fun and Trejo too.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I'm sad that they killed of Trejo so early. He could have been an interesting character but we barely got to learn anything about him.
  • Monkeez
    The thing I thought was most awesome in the movie:
    Anyone notice how the big Russian guy had a mini-gun and one of his kids was named Sasha? TF2 anyone?
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Haha yeah I noticed that. I thought the movie was really great. First film Brody has been in and given a good performance in. Great characters all round. I didn't see the twist coming cause I'm a retard. I would definitely recommend it.
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
  • Paul Pepera
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    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9
    Yea, this movie sucked. I cared for none of the characters, I hated the
    new Predator designs
    , tons of plot holes, the action itself was lame and had no tension. The best part of the movie for me was actually the very first sequence of
    Adrien Brody's character falling through the sky
    ; thought it was a real cool way to start off the movie. It started to go down hill as soon as Trejo appeared (even tough he was probably the most interesting character of the bunch). Laurence Fishburne failed at portraying
    a Predator killer
    . I still preferred the effects, costumes, and sound design from 1987 Predator. I did, however, enjoy the musical ques from Silvestri's original Predator score.
    Funny they didn't notice the giant planets in the sky until about 30 minutes into the movie, which would've been several hours of hiking across the planet without having looked up at the sky once (even though Brody's character noticed the sun didn't move since they got there).
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    It started to go down hill as soon as Trejo appeared (even tough he was probably the most interesting character of the bunch).

    Plot hole :P
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    A lot of people have been talking about "plot holes", but most of the listed examples of these supposed plot holes are really silly
    for example, maybe the moons for the planet move, just like earth's moon. Maybe more critters are getting dropped at the end of the movie because hunting season lasts a few weeks for predators, like real-life hunting seasons for humans

    As for the characters, I thought they were pretty awesome.
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    The thing I hated most was the fight between predators.

    Intergalactic alien space hunters clashing in full armor, and you have them fucking WRESTLING IN THE MUD?! FAIL.

    catch this one on dvd, go see inception
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    It was decently entertaining, but it certainly didn't live up to the original. I am hard pressed to decide whether I liked it more or less than Predator 2. Although I don't think very highly of Predator 2, I would have to say that the writing and pacing of that film was considerably more consistent than Predators. Predators had better action, but that is one of the only areas where it excelled. Danny Glover doesn't look like a bad-ass in the same way that Adrian Brody managed to, but Danny Glover's performance was considerably more convincing.

    And the homages to the original film were far too heavy-handed. This was very much a fan-service film. Moviegoers who haven't already seen the original film will miss out on a lot of inside references and nods. Fans of Predator will chuckle at the inside jokes and references, but for everyone else these inclusions won't make any sense and will make the film seem schizophrenic. Although I love the Little Ritchie song from the original film, including it in the credits was not a good idea. It had no place at all in the film, and throwing it in there was just pandering.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    It occurs to me that part of the problem with this film is that they passed up a great opportunity to turn the perspective around. By focusing on the perspective of the human "prey" they essentially aped the premise of the first film, but threw in extraneous aliens. This was a fantastic opportunity to shoot the film from the perspective of the Predator aliens. With the film set on a Predator hunting preserve, they could have focused on the big-game hunting culture of the Predators. Instead they shot it from the perspective of the humans, which made the whole film seem like an unnecessary rehashing of the far superior first movie.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I don't really understand all of the hate for predator 2, cause I fucking loved it.
    Maybe I have lower standards, but I greatly enjoyed predator, predator 2, and predators.
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