I've been having a problem with maya mirroring the weights on my model from one arm to the other. It just doesn't transfer. I tried some other mirroring tools but I cant get them to work. Is there anyway I can just copy the influence on each joint or vertex maybe and paste it over? Or maybe does anyone know of a good mel script that works for this?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: Something else weird I noticed. I tried to edit the weights in the component editor and I don't get the horizontal row that says all the different joints like on this image:
http://www.imanishi.com/mayablog/mayaSkin/skinD.jpg I only get the vertical row. Does anyone know why this is? When I select show all columns they show up and disappear immediately.
If you don't get the weight list in the Component Editor then it sounds like something is wrong... have you tried re-binding the skin to see if that fixes it?