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Polycount for Level Designers

polycounter lvl 11
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SnowGhost polycounter lvl 11
Happy Friday all, I'm curious as to if anyone would take a interest in a level design forum similiar in function to polycount. Someplace to not just show WIP but also to discuss level layouts and theory as well.

Now of course I realize plenty of people show off their level designs here at polycount, but the emphasize is always on the art side. I think a place where theory as well as art can be discussed would be beneficial to both professionals and newbies alike as well as not diluting the community here.

Most level design sites/forums right now are engine specific. This forum that I'm explaining would be less engine-centric and allow for more of a general colaboration on design and design theory.

Of course there would probably be individual engine-centric subforums as well as showcase WIP and Finished sections (preferabbly providing download links.)

Alternatly, perhaps we could just get a level design specific subforum here at polycount?

I'm also curious as to how many of you artists out there also put on the level design hat from time to time both in a professional environment and as a hobby as well as how much control you in end up having over your level art (assuming of course you don't get stuck doing all the art yourself.)


  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    Maybe Mapcore?

    It would be nice to have a dedicated PC forum on this subject though, but then we would need one for Characters too...the list would be endless :/
  • SnowGhost
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    SnowGhost polycounter lvl 11
    Well...level design is less specific then charachter design, which would easily fit into modeling in general. Level design is a entirely different discipline from modeling in general.

    Optimally I think a seperate site and forums would be best, possibly "in association" with polycount however.

    Mapcore looks like a good site but from what threads I did look though I saw no actual design talk at all except "hey that looks nice!" and a lot of showing of screenshots. But I suppose that isn't a problem with the site so much as the users/community not asking questions. I certainly don't wish to make a whole new community if there already is one that already exists and is actually fairly popular (despite the fact that I couldn't find them when I looked.) However, that are also pretty much only a showcase forum. Theres not even a subforum for technical questions. Mapcore lacks in many features whatI think a good level design site should have.

    I did notice a few professionals on Mapcore though so I know they do lerk there.

    Still it would be nice to have a actual PC Subforum or an associated site so it starts already with a built in user base.
  • rumblesushi
    I'm very much interested in level design, it would be a great addition to polycount.

    Why not just make it a subforum? It doesn't need a whole new site. There are 2 main sections on polycount apart from general discussion, Technical Talk and Pimping/Previews. Just add a 3rd - Level Design.
  • Ooghijmiqtxxa
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    Ooghijmiqtxxa polycounter lvl 17
    I'd rather not see Polycount get populated with abunch of subforums. I'll agree with metalliandy and say if you want to talk level design, create an account on Mapcore. It's a great place to talk with other level designers and get your work out there for not only visual critique, but layout as well.
  • rumblesushi
    A bunch of subforums? Not a bunch, just one - level design.

    I agree in that I hate cluttered forums with too many subsections etc, but I don't think having one extra section would have a negative effect.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I'm sure people would critique on map design in the pimping and preview section if you posted a download, I haven't ever seen anyone looking for people to test levels.
  • EarthQuake
    We get a few people post maps every once in a while, adding a sub-forum would be a sort of cart before the horse thing, as there isn't really a need for it until we have a lot of people posting levels. Starting a sub-forum for just a few people to post in is generally a bad idea, as it just sort of hides that stuff from the rest of the users who will not notice it there.

    If there is suddenly a huge influx of maps being posted, i think its something to consider. For now however, i think just keeping that stuff in pimping is fine. By all means though, if you guys have map related stuff that you aren't posting because you dont know where to put it, just throw it in pimping.
  • rumblesushi
    Fair enough. And on that note, where are all the levels being posted? Level design is obviously a huge part of 3D modelling in general, I would have thought there would be many people posting levels.

    People do post environments I guess, but not really level structures, tracks etc.
  • SnowGhost
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    SnowGhost polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah I actually agree with what you are saying EQ, I was just throwing it out there as an idea.I think it should be more then simply a forum however so a whole seperate site would suit much better so I think I will end up going that path.

    As for Mapcore, it simply does not fit with the vision I have unless they add a front end with some of the features I have in mind (resources, guest articles, a map database, etc.)
  • Rojo
    It's difficult to get widespread critiques on level design because you cannot assess fun gameplay from screenshots and diagrams. The map needs coordinated playtesting to get any useful input.

    That's why this stuff is better directed at game specific boards. People aren't going to bother with it unless they actively play the game/mod already.
  • CrazyMatt
    Mapcore has and always will be the Polycount of mapping. There's a reason why Polycount is called "Polycount" :)
  • KhAoZ
    Happy Friday to you too! That's cool I never knew about Mapcore, seems like a pretty cool forum (but obviously nowhere as cool as Polycount) :)
  • SnowGhost
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    SnowGhost polycounter lvl 11
    Skulburn and myself have decided to go ahead and build a site that conforms to his and my vision as described above. Additional input and suggestions for features are much appreciated.

    Thanks to all who have already commented in this thread.
  • Eric Chadwick
    I thought this Mapcore thread was interesting:
    Where are all the Level Designers?
    Might give you guys some ideas
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    Come join us at mapcore, we have cake...
  • Snacuum
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    Snacuum polycounter lvl 9
    This is something I would like. I may have a heavy leaning towards art and conversely not a great deal of knowledge in level design but design in general is of great interest to me. Understanding gameplay mechanics, level design, world design and how every element fits together to create a game experience is just so fascinating.
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