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3ds Max - Network Issues

polycounter lvl 11
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leechdemon polycounter lvl 11
Hey all! having some networking / workflow issues I'm trying to find a solution to, and I just can't seem to get the problem corrected on my own. Figured someone here had a similar issue, and I could pick their brain.

The Problem
I create max files at work, and save them to our network. I also have a growing library of textures that are being used by those max files, which also reside on the network. I do a fair amount of work from home. The problem is, when I open those max files from home, my computer tries to find them on the network, and I get a GIGANTIC amount of lag while Max tries to look for the network (which isn't there). The more images it looks for, the longer the wait.

More Details

I can't change around any of the network names at work, but the specific folders everything resides in is under my control. Having a mirrored version of every linked file works (to an extent), but having to retarget every file not only takes an excruciatingly long time, but I have to repeat the process everytime I reupload the files to work (and again if I send that same file back home). Not that it matters much, but my home machine is (lol) a MacBook Pro, and I'm running Windows through VMWare. Yes, yes, I know, it's not ideal... but I spent a lot of money on this computer, and hey, it actually works. The only thing this affects is that the Windows install has a limited view of our network at home (I don't think it has any, to be honest) and views the files on the mac side of my install as a Networked drive.

Is there a preference I can tweak to fix this? Some sort of utility that'll let both ends of my workflow cooperate with eachother? My boss swears by TortoiseHG for syncing home and work files, but even if I did that, it'll just link all my files together; it won't retarget the paths inside of Max.

Help!!! (thanks!)
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