Looks more like a Sabre to me. You have a lot of errors in your smoothing, show some pictures of your wire frames (especially the one with the guide edges) so we can better help you out.
even though i like the shape and "flow" of the weapon...is deffo not a scimitar... and the handle sometimes looks a bit "squid rings and hotdog"
But it is a WIP... keep at it... there are smoothing errors on the blade tip and blade attachment thing for example.
Is this part of the high poly sword course?
EDIT: But let me re-iterate... i do like how the shape of this sword is coming on... fine tune the back of the blade if you see what i mean? ... looks like an elegant sword in the making.
also would be interested in seeing concept for the weapon, hard to crit if you have no idea what the person is going for in the first place. If there isnt a concept sketch one out or do a paintover of your model.
I was also gonna say that u needed to show us your wireframes. Also. It would be a good idea to include a small version of ur reference with each post. To kinda refer back to it and see how close it is to the refence..
That is some mighty weird topology around the tip of the blade. Looks good apart from that. Although, in the concept, the grip is much larger than it is on your model Maybe try scaling that section?
But it is a WIP... keep at it... there are smoothing errors on the blade tip and blade attachment thing for example.
Is this part of the high poly sword course?
EDIT: But let me re-iterate... i do like how the shape of this sword is coming on... fine tune the back of the blade if you see what i mean? ... looks like an elegant sword in the making.
Good start tho