I've been a little too busy to get a texture on this guy, so I thought I'd throw it up here for anyone to try. He's all rigged up as well, so feel free to do some animations with him - Enjoy!
I've been a little too busy to get a texture on this guy, so I thought I'd throw it up here for anyone to try. He's all rigged up as well, so feel free to do some animations with him - Enjoy!
@ Cexar - If you're building a rig for him in Maya, and don't mind sharing it, let me know. I would love to do some tests with this guy as well!
Sweet, I'll try him out. Here's the a proxy rig for JGcounts. So there's no skinning for the fellah. Added a version of him if you want to skin him properly. The slave rig and everything is there thought a pinky finger might malfunction slightly. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8701158/StrongmanJGcount.rar
Special Note: Included are the original unedited "needs a bit of cleanup" AO & normal map textures (PSD).
All of the textures included are 'unsharpened'.
The normal map green channel needs to be flipped for use in Maya.
I'm new to polycount and from my understanding these models are all free to download and texture upon right? I was wondering if anyone knew any models in particular which are good fun to texture.
So far the type of models i'm looking to work with are...
*some sort of construct to practice metal, rock, wood texturing
*a cartoon proportioned character suitable for cell shading
*a more realistic proportioned character for research into building up realistic skin tons and clothing textures.
I've already seen a few here that are roughly what i'm looking for but I'm trying to get some variety so I can pick and choose what I think would work.
This is all in an effort to build up my skills with texturing and unwrapping. I know the basics but I haven't had a good opportunity to practice as most of my time goes into the modelling side of things. I really could do with some feedback aswell once I start working on it in a few weeks as all the work and research I do will go towards my FYP.
Thankyou and i'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. >.<'
Thanks to all who posted, there's a lot to be learnt from these.
It's probably a bit too much, but I'm asking anyway, anyone care to share a full environment scene? Either the complete game scene (Unity/UDK/Cry) or the Maya/Max scene. That would truly be awesome.
Special Thanks to David Hollin for helping with the rough rigging.
This was my submission to the Blizzard Student Art Contest 2013 Characters, and then some additional critique implementation from FirstKeeper (Tamara Bakhlycheva)
- T-pose OBJ
- Roughly Rigged character (.MA file for Maya)
- 1024 Diffuse Map (.TGA)
I'm gonna simultaneously ressurect this awesome thread and throw my hat into the ring. I love the models I've downloaded here and they've certainly informed some of my own work, so I'm going to pay it forward how I can.
Releasing my Spider-Gwen model out into the world as I've gotten a few requests to make her available for animators. Everything should be be all there (minus my own broken rig I used for posing her). Enjoy!
Spider-Gwen SDK
By: Brian Bedford (Rocket Brian)
Name: Spider-Gwen
Release: 2015-07-17
Texture: 2048x2048 diffue/spec maps (TGA)
Mesh: OBJ ~12,300 tris
I got a question about the model, do we have the right to post them on artstation for example to show my texturing work, and mentioned the artist's name on the description ?
Thank you!
I've been wanting to animate this fella for a time now!
@ Cexar - If you're building a rig for him in Maya, and don't mind sharing it, let me know. I would love to do some tests with this guy as well!
Sweet, I'll try him out. Here's the a proxy rig for JGcounts. So there's no skinning for the fellah. Added a version of him if you want to skin him properly. The slave rig and everything is there thought a pinky finger might malfunction slightly.
The character looks like this atm (3 seconds in):
why don't forums allow swf embeds?
the ninjagirl was part of an SDK package from slipgate central.
should be http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10396602/PawnSDK.rar
love the model though, might give it a try
you can go there for to know more : http://allaze-eroler.deviantart.com/art/first-real-time-game-character-207801472
here the download : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/14183130/animal_alien_polycount.rar
you're welcome to edit my model mesh, you will enjoy to work on it
AO NM 512x512 .obj
Download (send me a pm if the link is going to disappear)
The FBX export seems to have some issues I don't know how to solve right now, but I included the original blender file as well.
> download <
FBX, OBJ and Maya 2009 files. Textures (TGA) included too. This is my way to say thanks to Polycount, for being such a helpful and inspiring community
Outlander v1.1 (SDK Files): Main Download Link: https://hotfile.com/dl/153244150/a82a5cf/Outlander_Files_v1.1.rar.html
Mirror Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?ucwlcqki54dfa7a
Outlander 22,126 triangles
Special Note: Each mesh element uses 'one' smoothing group / soft edge.
Outlander_Head_Arms_Packs (2048x2048 diffuse, normal, specular, alpha, glow)
Outlander_Body (2048x2048 diffuse, normal, specular, glow)
Outlander_Backpack (1024x1024 diffuse, normal, specular, glow)
Special Note: Included are the original unedited "needs a bit of cleanup" AO & normal map textures (PSD).
All of the textures included are 'unsharpened'.
The normal map green channel needs to be flipped for use in Maya.
3ds max file
.OBJ file
.FBX file
13 TGA files
6 PSD files
I'm new to polycount and from my understanding these models are all free to download and texture upon right? I was wondering if anyone knew any models in particular which are good fun to texture.
So far the type of models i'm looking to work with are...
*some sort of construct to practice metal, rock, wood texturing
*a cartoon proportioned character suitable for cell shading
*a more realistic proportioned character for research into building up realistic skin tons and clothing textures.
I've already seen a few here that are roughly what i'm looking for but I'm trying to get some variety so I can pick and choose what I think would work.
This is all in an effort to build up my skills with texturing and unwrapping. I know the basics but I haven't had a good opportunity to practice as most of my time goes into the modelling side of things. I really could do with some feedback aswell once I start working on it in a few weeks as all the work and research I do will go towards my FYP.
Thankyou and i'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. >.<'
thank you sooo much this model is simply gorgeous !! Good work and thanks again for sharing ^^ I'm gonna learn a lot from him i bet.... :thumbup:
Just a question ...is it "simple" box modeling or a retopo of a higher res sculpt ?
It's probably a bit too much, but I'm asking anyway, anyone care to share a full environment scene? Either the complete game scene (Unity/UDK/Cry) or the Maya/Max scene. That would truly be awesome.
Main Download Link
Special Thanks to David Hollin for helping with the rough rigging.
This was my submission to the Blizzard Student Art Contest 2013 Characters, and then some additional critique implementation from FirstKeeper (Tamara Bakhlycheva)
- T-pose OBJ
- Roughly Rigged character (.MA file for Maya)
- 1024 Diffuse Map (.TGA)
Free for noncommercial use.
Download includes model, textures, and full featured rig that can do pretty much anything you want.
You can use it for non-commercial use in anyway you need.
Thread for posting and questions or feedback.
-PSD includes (non-resized 4k): ColorMap - Normals - Object space normals - AO
-Format is obj.
If there are problems/feedback (maybe something that needs to be fixed that I am not aware off) can be sent by pm or there is a thread on this thing.
Non-commercial only.
Here's a zip with an FBX and an OBJ. Should cover all the bases.
You're welcome:)!
If I build rigs for the models, I will be sure to share them here for others who come across the thread.
Great model
I'm gonna simultaneously ressurect this awesome thread and throw my hat into the ring. I love the models I've downloaded here and they've certainly informed some of my own work, so I'm going to pay it forward how I can.
Releasing my Spider-Gwen model out into the world as I've gotten a few requests to make her available for animators. Everything should be be all there (minus my own broken rig I used for posing her). Enjoy!
Spider-Gwen SDK
By: Brian Bedford (Rocket Brian)
Name: Spider-Gwen
Release: 2015-07-17
Texture: 2048x2048 diffue/spec maps (TGA)
Mesh: OBJ ~12,300 tris
By: Charles Metze III
Name: The Things
Release: 9-15-2015
Includes texture: Yes (TGA)
Mesh format: Maya (Student Version), OBJ
Download: https://gumroad.com/l/bxMfN
DL Mirror: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ure0ufrg01r9dqp/Things-SDK.zip?dl=0
Thread: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=132813
I also put a viewer file up here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/the-things-free-sdk-download if you want to examine before you download.
I got a question about the model, do we have the right to post them on artstation for example to show my texturing work, and mentioned the artist's name on the description ?