I spent the last couple of days sculpting a couple of faces, and would like some feedback on them, just to make sure I'm heading in the right direction. I've noticed a few issues since sculpting them, but any extra input would be great!
Here's the first head. Main problem I note at the moment is the nose. Will work on fixing that.
Here's the second face:
Bit of fun here... added a tash... seems to change the character completely.
Anyway, that's all the faces at the moment, I'm going to be doing more, but I thought I would throw up a thread and get some feedback.
C&C appreciated.
Thanks again!
The 2nd face reminds me of Hugo Chavez in a few years with a few more wrinkles.
The stash on the last one bugs me, specially around the corners of the mouth.
Thanks again for the feedback.
Had a little bit of free time today, so I decided to do a quick detail pass on one of the head models.
The hair's a bit of a crazy mess, but... blah
Thanks man! I appreciate the feedback.
I'm probably not going to add any more details. I think I will call him 'done', in the sense I won't be working on him anymore. I think i would rather take what I've learned here, plus peoples feedback, and try a full character.
Thanks again!