First post of my work here, be as harsh as you want, im here to learn.
I've been working with a programmer to build a Character Editor so thought it would be good to post my progress here. Can't really show much of the editor yet but ill show my charatcer progress for the moment.
Oh should explain hes in a strange pose because he'll be chained up, maybe should of painted that...
Might be quite a big image... concept art... not the best painter in the world but im learning.
Just showing examples of changes that can be made in the editor with clothes, colours etc. Lots of these images but they get a bit repetitive so ill just show a couple.
Could lose a few polys around the hands and wrists still. Having to use alphas for the shirt because it needs to be a seperate object, allowing players to take it off etc. Problem is then I'm not sure how to add a thickness to the shirt to make it look like a material, might just have to let it be though unless you guys have any suggestions.
Not spent much time texturing yet, just wanted a basic texture down while I build the other bits and bobs around him.
Again the finally model will show more than the painting, was just putting my idea quickly down before I began modeling it.