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What do you think of my website?


I redesigned a while back but I think it needs it again.

I find it difficult to contain so many 3d models, 2d work etc along with level design and even movie/sound creation. Any suggestions for organization would be greatly appreciated.

Also I see *most* portfolio websites only show the very best stuff fully textured and all that. None of my models are textured because I don't know how... does that mean I shouldn't show anything 3d.. or what?

I also see a lot of portfolio websites like to use big horizontal thumbnails on their index pages like preview images... who started this trend and why do you think so many people use it?

Thank you for your input...


  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    If you don't have anything textured I'd just show high poly models like http://www.peperaart.com/

    I think the horizontal-thumbnail-trend came from the idea of fitting everything on one screen (and how cool the banners on polycount look).
  • EarthQuake
    Quality over quantity pretty much sums it up. You have a LOT of work, but none of it is particularly noteworthy, and almost all of it is presented poorly. Slow down, take some time and work on a few real eye catching portfolio pieces, work on your presentation and weed out all of the extra stuff. They say your portfolio is only as strong as your weakest work.

    Moved to pimping.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    I agree, your website right now is pretty boring, that fact that I have to click in on everything makes it harder. Most people when they look at portfolios for art they want to see "Art in your face-webdesign"

    You say that you're a graphic artist, but it's misspelled and it doesn't show anywhere. Even the 3d-artist pieces isn't up to par on what is needed for a job in this industry. You have a section that says game-art but is the art there your work? or have you just designed some levels for a game? There are some differences.

    When you create webpages, what languages do you use? html , xhtml/css what programming knowledge do you have etc. I'd do as EarthQuake says, slow down, create some amazing pieces, learn how to texture.

    A webdesigner should at least know the basic rules of usability, it doesn't matter if you're a major in something if you haven't got the skills to show it. It's harsh crits but it's true.
  • vofff
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    vofff polycounter lvl 10
    Best way is to show your 4-5 best work you ever done. People dont have time to watch so much what you have done. And especially what is your speciality? What do you want to work with? Are you a 3d-artist,graphic designer etc?
  • n88tr
    Thanks for the crits.

    Ok I have a few pieces I can detail more but in other threads it seems my works are too blocky and I need to redo a lot of them.

    What about all the other models? Should I just slap them into the download section and forget about calling them portfolio pieces?

    Also does anyone have any organization tips for my sections, I find it was just easy to list my navigation links in a chart but as a designer it should be functional first and then appealing but I realize it's not appealing at all. I just have trouble figuring how to display so much content.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Redo models and make them portfolio pieces, or take them off your site, if a potentional empolyer wants to know if you can model this or that, or wants to see more of your work, they'll email you.

    I wouldn't make too many sections, just a main gallery with you 5-10 best pieces on one page.
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    If you want to have a website with all that work..thats probably fine...but not if you want to get a job with it. The index page was an immediate turnoff...and If I was in a position where I was looking through portfolios for future employees, I probably wouldn't make it past one link.

    You don't have to be super graphic artist/website master, but having this be the greeting page...and first impression maker will kill you. A simple gallery with images...or thumbnails at least readily viewable from the second you reach your website will help.

    I would say to make a portfolio like everybody else mentioned with the best of the best.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    First, it looks like a spreadsheet, and spreadsheets scare the fucking piss out of me. More importantly, spreadsheets serve a function as an organizational tool for data, not for a visual representation of one's artwork. Literally, I went to your page, and saw all these choices.... I hovered over a bunch of them and felt intimidated because I didn't know which one to pick. Then I started clicking, and I really began to see that the title on the front of your homepage "3d artist | Graphic artist | Unlimited Passion" really meant "Jack of All Trades | Master of None" There are just piles and piles of unfinished works in your portfolio. Even then, the presentation is very table/spreadsheet like, and does not lend to any form of Graphic Design or Web Design which you in turn have as a skill in your portfolio.

    Work on presentation, and finish some models that are really solid and show you understand the whole process of asset creation. Do not put the fact that you are a student on there, or "college works". This just in turn solidifies the initial reaction "student", which will turn off an employer almost instantaneously when they see the unfinished models and portfolio design.

    Being that you are still in college, you have some hardcore descisions you have to make now, especially since you are a senior. Choose a path, and sacrifice everything you can without losing your sanity, and make that path a reality. Right now, it feels like you are trying to leave yourself open for a lot of different possibilities. If you want to go for web design but also go for a career in games, then make two separate URL portfolios. Throwing it all into one big pot leaves an employer saying "this guy doesn't know what he wants to do with his career... no thanks".

    Graphic Design sucks. I've been doing it for 5 - 6 years, and it is nothing but logos and fonts and dealing with clients that think they are the artist and you are not. Web Development is better as you can really create some great stuff with some solid creativity and tech knowledge. There's more interaction involved than graphic design where a brand is being displayed, and that initial visual response is all that is left. Now lately there is a shift that if you want to be a graphic designer, you better be able to do web development as well. You use the same tools as a graphic designer to make web pages, so the difference is very little in that regard. That requirement though varies from company to company. Film, there is a limitation on your interaction, and it goes back to that initial visual stimulus. Sometimes, you can get a real jewel that will always strike a chord with the audience, but really, let's be honest, most movies are good for two or three viewings, and that feeling is gone. But, you can still make some really lasting impressions and make great art to boot. Depends on what kind of films your studio works with and what you want to accomplish as an artist. Film is a great avenue to feed your inner artist. Games, the interaction is always there and far more expressive and sustaining than web design and some other digital multimedia. In the end, your decision should be based upon what is going to make you the most happy.

    Just some food for thought on what career options you might be looking at based off personal experience and good friendships I've made over the years. I'm not saying I am right here either... just sharing my views for your consideration :)
  • n88tr
    Thank you for your input. It gives me a lot to think about. I think just a few pieces on the website would be best and more artsy index page... redo it all lol.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah at the mo, your work isn't brilliantly presented, and your website needs a hell of a lot of work put into it presentation wise too...I suggest checking out other people's efforts and working from there.


    Chris, you are planning to credit the designer of that steampunk gun aren't you? GA is running a steampunk gun comp at the moment, saw that design as a real prototype either on deviantart or google when I was researching, cant remember which.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    you didnt put CSS on your website did you.

    Nice way to catagorize your work but that template of the website is way too old.

    Think of something artistic and put it on the header, back ground and change your tables to something new.

    Good luck :)
  • Mark Dygert
    It's fine to archive and warehouse just keep in mind that's not what your portfolio is about.

    Photoshop > File > Automate > Web Gallery.

    It looks like you did a File > Save as web page, from excel.
    Finish something, anything.
    Your portfolio is only as strong as its weakest link.
    I also see a lot of portfolio websites like to use big horizontal thumbnails on their index pages like preview images... who started this trend and why do you think so many people use it?
    People who review portfolios ask people to make them simple. Often they can tell if you have what it takes by looking at the thumbnails. The more clicks you put between them and the art the frustrated they will get and the worse impression you'll make. Give them exactly what they want right up front.

    This will go into greater detail.
  • duxun
    yes ... like it has been stated before "ART IN YOUR FACE" "FUCKING HIRE ME NOW" is the way to go...
  • n88tr
    what's wrong with css?
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Just don't worry about the web coding part, as long as it works, just make the user experience better.
  • Snowman
    It's so busy and there is so much when I clicked on it I was hit with a wall of stuff, like mentioned above definitely pick a few key pieces you think are your strongest and present them stronger.Also the top logo I personally think you may want a nicer re-design on it doesn't sit well.

    Id also say at least attempt to texture one of your pieces because it would give your stuff some variation and it also shows you can do something with the model a large chunk of model detail nowadays is in the textures.
  • Rojo
    This is over-organization. Don't use a desktop hierarchy metaphor to display your portfolio, when is digging around to find something ever enjoyable? The placeholders are also annoying.

    You have about 1-3 seconds to capture somebody's interest. Portfolios should be overly simple, preferably a single page, with your most impressive piece front and center.
  • gammaslam
    It feels bland to me, like i just opened notepad, what is your site's focus? What do you want them to see? Show them that you are an artist, all i see is text.

    Everything is equal, font size, the type of font, my eye isn't directed to anywhere specific, i end up looking around for stuff because i don't know where to go.

    add some personality.
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