I work under Maya 2009-64 bits.
I am rendering some occlusion map and would like to improve my work-flow.
My first problem is about connection between objects.
I noted that : if I do not connect objects together, work with piece of puzzle for building my level and then rendering my scene. I could have some bad surprise like that one :
http://a.samavan.com/Occlusion question.jpg[/img]
If I connect objects together and delete the polygon on the backside, MentalRay will do his job correctly, 20 pixel of mip-mapping and good job done.
But ... it adds more work...
Then I would like to know if there is a way to delete the white zone inside the hidden zone.
Mental ray will understand there is a connection between the object and the hidden zone is in a dark zone then the white should be dark because then is another faces front of the wall.... .... (Mental Ray are you stupid?
Second point is about rendering a level looking like a corridor.
I am creating a set of corridors with doors.
Corridor has small height and width and are close space.
Rendering the corridor in one piece will create something very dark and light space will be only near each doors.
Then I create 2 objects :
- On the first one I will delete the left wall
- On the second one I will delete the right wall.
After that I create I have my work-flow in Photoshop with Mask for the 2 rendered textures and this is very easy to combine the 2 textures and finally create more render adding it on my PSD....
Then "simple" question :
Is there a way to render occlusion of closen and small space without very dark render?
Thank you!!
I simply create a plane under my object using BB info when rendering the occlusion map!
I still didn't find a solution to my second problem
2nd problem: If you set your max distance to a smaller number in the occlusion node settings, and adjust the spread, you can stop the rays from reaching the far wall, and so it won't cast onto them. Play with the settings and do renders until you get the look you want, then render to texture.