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Fender style bass guitar

polycounter lvl 14
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Ausonian polycounter lvl 14
Hello everybody!
This is the first model I post here at Polycount, it's a low poly Fender style bass guitar; some views, rendered with the really useful Marmoset; I hope you like it!


  • Tom Ellis
    Looks awesome, really nice. Marmoset helps the clear-coat lacquer look great too.

    My only crit really is that while the wear you've added looks good, it's more likely to be worn on the opposite edge curve which would be the top when worn/played as the players arm goes over that part and watches/bracelets would cause wear.

    Also the edge you've added wear to is unlikely to get scratched like that since it's recessed from the edge extremes (if you see what I mean) so if it was dropped/rested up against something, that bit wouldn't actually touch anything.

    That's a fussy/overpicky crit though!

    Great work!
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Yeah the scratches and damage doesn't really make sense right now. The nobs and anywhere extruded would have some grime and scratches, and other signs of being used around them. Parts look way to clean for having those scratches.
  • Willburforce
    I think these look great!

    Dirt on the fret board, bassist are dirty finger breed... and the wood gets worn more by fretting hand...

    But...no jack ... no scratch guard ... no one piece body... cheap pick ups! No way am trusting you on the grooves, no way dude :poly124:
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    Dirt on the fret board, bassist are dirty finger breed... and the wood gets worn more by fretting hand..

    Hey... we're not that dirty :shifty:
  • Ausonian
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    Ausonian polycounter lvl 14
    Ehi guys, thank you all for the feedback! :)
    Ill'try to fix the issues you pointed out!
  • bejkon
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    bejkon polygon
    Nice work man!

    Concentrated patch of scratches on the back from the players belt would be a nice touch.

    Also add some ding on the head cause its very clean right know.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    love it , the frets that people play on the most tend to get a little bit of wear so the fretboard should have some slightly more scratchy/wood coloured areas
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    That wear seems pretty strange to me. I don't see why there would be that kind of wear around the screws along with those long scratches. It looks like it's worn/scratched all the way down to the wood. Normally scratches like that would only affect the clear coat. It would take alot to do that kind of damage. It almost looks like someone took a knife to it.
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    I was just looking at my bass and noticed the paint on the side of the body is worn off from sitting it on my knee. Also the paint on the back of yours ... is that suppose to be wear from contact or is that part of the sunburst paint job? The backs of most worn basses are pretty scuffed from contact rubbing against the chest. Also more wear on the fretboard from around the 1st to about the 7th or 8th fret since that is the most used. Good luck though! looks great.
  • Ausonian
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    Ausonian polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks all for the compliments and critiques! Yeah, you're right guys, the wear I've done is pretty random, I didn't use references...I'll try to fix it when I'll have some time.
    Thanks friend! Yes, the back is the sunburst paint job; I'll surely wear the fret board a bit, since it's very clean at the moment;
  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Jeeze. This looks hipoly to me.

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