Awesome portfolio mr 404. The layout is very clean and easy to navigate which is always a huge plus. The work on the Capt. Outstanding and Little Nemo games is especially cool. If I had to crit something I would have to say maybe move those two bodies of work above the "unannounced project" in your projects section of the site. They seem way more original and interesting, plus we see most of those same unannounced characters right away in the character section of the site. Great work all around, glad you decided to share it with us .
Holy cow. Your work is fantastic. I am so envious. The Jules Verne/HG Wells steampunk poster is something I would hang on my wall(and is sorta similar to a victorian sci-fi idea I've been bouncing around)
roosterMAP- I didn't want to add a homepage just cause I wanted people to directly get to the works. Saves me the trouble of trying to sound fancy introducing people to the site:\
nrek - Thanks for the feedback, you're right. I'll move those around tonight.
Rhinokey - initially I had drawn them as stumps but nobody got the joke, had to change it back.
roosterMAP- I didn't want to add a homepage just cause I wanted people to directly get to the works. Saves me the trouble of trying to sound fancy introducing people to the site:\
Any other critiques and comments are welcomed.