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Maya : geometry warp when I rotate an object - need help

Hello (again) guys,

I have yet another problem : I am modeling one slice (one third) of a cylinder object and planning to copy/past the slice, rotate 120° and produce my final cylinder shaped objet.
Bad explanation, image are more clears :

Here I already did a copy of the first slice and applied rotation and steached. I m about to rotate the third piece. I moved the manipulator tool to the center of the objet for perfect rotation.

Here you can see that after the rotation the geometry is all warped. It is not a case of bad placement of manipulator, the geometry just "changed" ...

I had it happen once or twice on the first copy/past/rotate but eventually it worked. But I can't get it to work this time.



It is not the first time it happens to me, as I often chose to model one part that I will duplicate; but usually after a few retry, it eventually work.
Not this time.

Any idea ? Is it some option I am not aware of ??

Cheers, hope someone can unstuck me.


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