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Copying keyframes in 3ds max

OK guys, I need some help.

There is an older mod for quake 3 called TrueCombat. I am, upon request, adding new weapon models and doing a general graphical update for the mod. I am running into some issues though pertaining to animation. I need to find a way to transfer the animation sequence from the view .md3 to the new model. I unfortunately need to use gmax for this, since I am running vista and 4.2 doesn't work, and the newer versions of the .md3 exporter have a broken texture export. How do I transfer those keyframes from the m4 mag to the new scar mag without having to re-animate the entire scene? I would be able to re-rig the arms, etc, and re-animate the whole thing, but I don't have the time right now to do that, as this is intended to be a quick swap.

Any suggestions? I have considered linking the parts together, but the animation doesn't seem to be transferred. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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