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NEWBIE Q: MAYA- Textures UVs and why they move (or don´t)

Please excuse the newb Question.

I have 2 related questions (slightly cross-posted from another forum, that seemed a bit dead - no response)

I am modeling a book, based on a scan of the books cover. Is it possible for me to add the texture to a mesh ( a plane of a box for example) THEN stretch and shape the mesh, but have the texture stay as it is, and NOT stretch? This is in order to model the book AROUND the texture, and not the other way round.

I often need this functionality, especially when I add a texture and want it to be the correct resolution/aspect ratio... I understand the functionality for modeling first and then exporting UVs and fiddling with the UVs in the UV editor, but I can´t "lock" the UVs so that it doesnt move when I model... If I want to make my box, the same exact size as the texture that will be the book cover, what the method?

Second issue: Probably related.

After having made the book (despite issue above.. used trial and error and probably stretched the texture a bit, that I didnt want)
... I animated the book cover opening... OOpppss the texture "slides off" . What I mean is that the UVs are NOT animating WITH the mesh as it turns.
WHats happened here... I HAVE dont this OK in the past,m but obviosly Ive got into a "mode" that I dont like...

I feel like Im missing something here..




  • chronic
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    chronic polycounter lvl 10
    Try deleting the history on your object
  • markfrancombe
    Offline / Send Message
    Yes.. Thanks, I figured that out actually, but how about how I can sculpt a mesh and have the texture NOT warp?
  • BaZe
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    BaZe polycounter lvl 9
    Well if you just need referece for modelling an item you might do better using imageplanes (http://www.wonderhowto.com/how-to-image-planes-maya-194596/).

    There might be some more complicated way of texture-projecting or using some script to get your desired effect, but I don't really see the point of it... You can always just re-apply the UV-Projection each time you change the mesh if you really wan't to. The problem is that UV's only work in 2D so they can't follow your 3D vertexes just like that... Sorry if I can't be of more help..maybe some senior-member has some better ideas
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    It'd be easy in Max since you can slap a planar UV Map modifier on top of the mesh and use that to "lock" the UVs.

    Assuming you want to just use planar UV projection, you could probably hack together some sort of crazy setup involving some sort of output object with a planar map node on it, and have your mesh that you're editing be the input object of that, but you'd be getting into pretty technical territory setting that up.

    Otherwise just do what BaZe said.
  • Rurouni Strife
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    Rurouni Strife polycounter lvl 10
    In Maya 2010 you can do what your asking, but only partly. Double click the move/rotate/scale tool and check the preserve uvs box. That should help, but it won't do much if any good for extrudes and major vert/edge alignment.
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