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Work sample - Art test (ideas?)

polycounter lvl 7
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Fang polycounter lvl 7
I'm applying to a University program called Computer Graphics in Sweden. So I have this Art test I have to make and hand in. Right now I'm trying to think of some ideas of what to make that would impress in some manner. In the program you can choose to focus on 3D modelling for Film or Games, my choice is games. :)

I could use some insight in what would be a good art test in your opinion. A combination of creativity and execution? An environment or a character? A single prop or showpiece?

Have you ever made a work sample/art test and what did you make?


  • serialkiler
    a good environment always rock :D
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Have you ever made a work sample/art test and what did you make?

    Cant believe someone actually asked this obvious question on the site where everyone have done this at certain point. <.<

    My advice as above personnel stated.

    In precise, you should just make ancient rune foot-path or entrance. With some what detailed scene behind the entrance and some what in front.
  • schebbe
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    schebbe polycounter lvl 8
    Are you talking about Creative Computer Graphics in G
  • Clockwork
    Don't waste your time going to school learning something you can learn at home. In a much more rapid pace. You're wasting time and money.

    I've never heard of anyone ever been asked where they went to school, or if they even did go to school.

    All they want to see is that you have skills. You can go to school 10 years and not be any good at what you try to do.

    The way to get a job, is to get good. You only need proof of your skills, that's not a degree. It's models/environments you've made, personal projects, mods. Things you can show off. That's your portfolio.

    If you want a degree, get a degree where it actually matters, like if you want to be a lawyer.

    All these schools suckering kids who want to make games out of their money.
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    I think the one in Malmö is now called The Game Assembly, I can recommend both. Playgroundsquad and that one, I went to Playgroundsquad and its an awesome place. (I dont personally know any others altough I know they are there) :)

    Anyways, about the art samples thats totally up to you and what you already know. I would probaly go for a simple scene with some props in it. Think of the knowledge you know and what you dont know and then think of objects where you particulary can use that knowledge to show ur skills off. I hope something in there I said makes sense, and good luck.
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    The KY schools are whats recommended. If it takes you a bit more time to get into those schools its still going to be worth the wait, and in the meanwhile you can do art and something else. What Clockwork says about schools do not appy to them.
  • Fang
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    Fang polycounter lvl 7
    I've already heard the skepticism towards game schools I understand completely that it's barely a merit in the games industry. I want to do it for the experience of working with people at location. Something I cant get while sitting at home creating MODs. For the record I've already been involved in projects and still am over the internet. This is not what this thread is about.

    @Nitewalkr I didn't ask IF anyone here have made an art test. I have made art tests before. I asked if you have made an art test and what that was. Therefore this is the obvious place to get that question answered. :thumbup:

    @schebbe No, I'm talking about the one in skellefte
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    I've never heard of anyone ever been asked where they went to school, or if they even did go to school.
    Try getting a work visa to work in another country. No Degree, no dice.
  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 17
    I studied in skövde and that was..mjeh. I dunno what to say about it. But it's alot better now though. Also, you get a bachelors degree, which is infinately better than a KY-degree later on if you want to move stateside... I second pontus, Game assembly is probably the most hardcore get-a-job-do-art education right now :P
  • Mark Dygert
    Need an environment? Pick anything from www.opacity.us and recreate it in unreal or any 3D app.
  • System
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    System admin
    From recent observation I would say that the schools in Sweden, especially "psq" are producing some fine quality artists. After investigation in Leeds there is zero offering teachings on any of the specific skills required to be a game artist, maybe there isn't anything in the rest of England either?

    About the creation thing, I'm doing an art test for a company right now, obviously if you want to do your own art test that will give you the ultimate freedom.
    I would say pick a platform and then choose a theme or things included in a theme that most people would be familiar with, that way people can compare your work either from memory or different sources and see the level of quality you are capable of.
  • Karmageddon
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    Karmageddon polycounter lvl 7
    Vig wrote: »
    Need an environment? Pick anything from www.opacity.us and recreate it in unreal or any 3D app.

    Wow Vig, that's a handy site. Thanks for that!
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    just dont do the old splash damage environment art test, I love splash damage but that things everywhere and on 1000s of people folios!!!!
  • serialkiler
    Zilk wrote: »
    Wow Vig, that's a handy site. Thanks for that!

    bookmarked tanks
  • Fang
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    Fang polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for the site Vig. Though I have an idea for what I'm going to do. An enviroment based on this concept found on www.projectoffset.com I think it's pretty cool. If anyone have similar references to share I'd appreciate it.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    crazyfool wrote: »
    just dont do the old splash damage environment art test, I love splash damage but that things everywhere and on 1000s of people folios!!!!

    Well I think it's changed now (if you are referring to the sci-fi watercooler/ dock) It's a crane/lift thingy now.

    Also, Clockwork, degrees in Law are considerably harder than degrees in Games Design...why do that? A degree in an art field is as legitemate as the next.
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