Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

Ex-Military Mercenary

Hay guys.
So this is thread is for my latest and greatest project for my Uni course.

The Brief is to create a custom character for the use in the Unreal 3 engine using there skeleton rig and therefore there animations.
So I started by search for an insipring characterm design online and I came across the concept done by Rodrigo A. Branco of the hooded soldier and decided this was a great character not just for its design but for what I wanted to do, Looking over my portfolio I found that I haven't done much cloth for my previous characters just the usual monster with a groin cloth, So tackling the cloth full steam ahead was a good idea and this is my progress so far -

Head Sculpt -

High Poly Overall -

Arm#2 Sculpt -


Low Poly -
Sitting on 10,900 tri's

And the current Texture Work -

Im looking for some crits and comments regarding anything that I can do to improve this project.
Ill be posting regularly with updates on the final stages of this model as well as Unreal 3 engine work.


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