A ultra-hires model on which I've spent so much days that I forgot the number :poly122:
It was finished time ago, was expecting to do some awesome scene and pose and everything.. but I don't have time and thats gonna take forever..
Apart from that, I went too far, now is very hard to skin and move so I'm just presenting a t-pose for now
Is a supposed to be a mixed style fantasy/realistic Warpriest, meant for Illustration and maybe anims.
Is based on displacement maps and massive texs. Rendered on Maxwellrender (yay noise!)
When I ve finish it some time ago, I was very happy with the results.. now I see mistakes everywhere. Guess thats good signal.
Some cinematic anim kinda Warcraft would be fancy, he. Someday.
Opinions always welcome.
my only question is about the silveryness" of his shoes?
i thought the exact same thing, baldurs motherfucking gate forever
This is what D3 should have looked like.
Mlink:The Book is actually hold by chains.. only one can be seen.. maybe is too small on the render. About the legs.. I ve got the same feeling after seen it several times.. guess the plate is too big and cumbersome to move what it gives the sensation. Maybe just chainmail woulda been more aesthetic.
Hoopla: You got a point.. actually the boot shader isn't working OK, theres probably to much reflexion. It should look darker also.
SyaPed and Harry:So I'm not alone then :poly121:. Yeah, I'm kinda bored already of colorful overloaded knights.
Colorful fantasy weapons, quickly became colorful hilarious toy weapons, like in those Korean MMos, Duh.
It has tons of art and sells a lot, won't deny that.. but is a style overmade lately.
For personal Fantasy Art Justin Sweet is the way to go for me.
(sorry for the delay, I 've been insanely busy)
Here is a wire. Kinda messy.. now I know that the best way for working with Displacement maps would have been to rebuild the mesh and reproject all details on a single solid surface.. but when started this I had no freakin idea about those ugly 16 bit gray maps :P
Phred..I can't remember exactly how much polys I ve got there, but not subdivided, is bound to have a lot, Ill say +-200k o similar counting the sword. Don't do as I did.. try to optimize, else you' ll have a hell of skinning time afterwards:poly122:
i made this comparison pic:
really, all you need to do now, is just make a few colour adjustments, to push it to the boundary of "almost real"
Toronto Animator: yeah thats a good point.. To me, the similarity to a christian crusader plus the holybook, was enough to make him look like a religious fighter. Didn't made the tipical Holy symbols from the clerics for not overloading more the chests. Maybe Ill do something about it for illustration.
Ausonian: Because The displacement map was giving me headaches for the quad shape relation :poly124:. At least doesn't need skinning..
yeah.. I know.. sloppy.. Disp maps were a mistery to me then.
Now this dude can only be opened on a 64bit PC:poly122:
Woogity: If I leave only for posing, maybe I can deal with this polys.. but for animation (I dont know about that) It should be optimized.. mayeb I'll reproject this dude to a much better mesh someday.
Dejawolf: You have a very good point there.. In fact, is more from the lightning.. is very diffuse and it flattens all the wrinkles and stuff from the cloths.
Still, some higher contrast would be good for the final pic. And now that I think of it, that wrinkles on the chest could be pushed a bit more too. Nice reference, straight to refs folder .