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Mr. Bean's Head Modeling Study and Experimentation

No one probably remembers, but quite a while ago I had a head modeling thread. Well, this is the new head modeling thread.

I'm going to make a high-quality video game character; with a ski mask over his head and a gas mask over that. He'll have knee and elbow pads, boots, camouflage pants and shirt, belts, guns, ammo pouches, etc. He should look good enough to be in Call of Duty 4/MW2.

The Problem: I'm a terrible head modeler. I've gotten better over the years, but I'm still not very good at it. Both the looks of the head and the topology need serious work.

So, in this thread I'm going to post my progress as I keep trying new things and ways and attempt to make a really good quality head. I'm hoping to let the texture do the work--I'm going to keep the detail somewhat low and let the texture fill in some details.

Now, I'm going to plan the topology first by painting it over the reference images, then start modeling. I've made enough heads by now to realize that it can be disastrous if a topology mistake or bad flow is noticed late in the development of the head model. Besides, it also makes it quicker and easier to know where to put everything.

I'm going to use one of three tutorials (I think):

1) http://www.cgarena.com/freestuff/tutorials/max/headmodeling/index.html

2) http://www.cgarena.com/freestuff/tutorials/misc/headmodeling/index.html

3) http://www.3dtotal.com//ffa/tutorials/max/joanofarc/head1.php

Which do you think would be the best? I'm trying to make a video game model, remember, so it can't be too high with the polycount.

I was wondering, before I start painting the planned topology, if anyone has or knows how to get a wire render of one of the main characters from Cod4 (Soap, Captain Price, Gaz, etc.)'s heads. It would be great if I could copy one of those head's topology, or use it as a guide. If anyone has such a pic or knows how I can easily get it, I would be very grateful.

Critique and comments are more than welcome as I struggle to make this model.

~ Mr. Bean


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