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woog's maya-max learning thread.

hey so decided to pick up max again after giving up on it a while back and already im loving several tools and missing others. first 2 questions.

1. is there a way to get the max extrude tool to mimic maya's extrude tool. ive tried extruding the edge of a hole outward while maintaining the hole. in maya it would just pull the selected edge out but in max it creates faces all around the edge. is there a different tool for this? or is there a way to change the tool settings?

2. i love the cut tool in max, waaaay better than split poly in maya. but is there a simple way to do the equivalent of insert edge loop in maya?

definatly more questions to come.


  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    1. hold down shift, move an edge anywhere you want.

    2. i believe this was part of the graphite modeling tools, but the implementation is not too great. i love the insert edge loop feature in maya because it is quick, but i love the connect edges feature in max because it is more versatile. i don't use the graphite tools, so i could be wrong on this noise.
  • Mark Dygert
    Firebert wrote: »
    1. hold down shift, move an edge anywhere you want.
    This works on any open edge. You can extrude closed edges in edit poly but it keeps the geometry manifold and its not really all that desireable. You can do it like Maya does if you convert it to "Edit Mesh" and extrude, but the plane will be orphaned if you convert it to edit poly or export. Technically its bad geometry to have a plane connected like Maya and edit mesh. Its one of the reasons Edit Poly is a bit more stable.
    woogity wrote: »
    2. i love the cut tool in max, waaaay better than split poly in maya. but is there a simple way to do the equivalent of insert edge loop in maya?

    definatly more questions to come.
    Edge mode > Graphite modeling tools > Edit > Swift loop. This lets you place loops by clicking on the mesh. Or you can use the connect tool in Edit Poly.
  • woogity
    thanks for the quick replies guys! vig yea i wanted it on an open edge that i would work back in.

    after a quick google search on graphite it looks like either a plugin or an add on for max 2010 is there a version for 2009?
  • Firebert
    Offline / Send Message
    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    woogity wrote: »
    after a quick google search on graphite it looks like either a plugin or an add on for max 2010 is there a version for 2009?

  • Piflik
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    Piflik polycounter lvl 12
    Illusion Catalyst has an Swift Loop macroscript on his site (IC.PolySplitRing). I use it a lot.
  • SyncViewS
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    SyncViewS polycounter lvl 13
    Thanks for advertising, but I need to say that SplitRing, included in IC.Shape 2, works much better, is faster and more undo friendly than the IC.PolySplitRing standalone version. I recommend to use the newest one. If you're annoyed by the full interface, just double click on the header image to minimize it then bury it where doesn't get in the way.
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