I've decided to focus a little more on programming and I need some help from everyone...
I have no idea what the hell to create. This is where this thread comes in:
What could I create to make you're lives easier? I'm not going to be doing any scripting yet so please don't say things like (make max do this...) I'm talking a complete, standalone program that may speed up or improve your flow.
The only idea I had, and I started working on this a few years ago so some if it is done - was a program that would give you a grayscale map (things like noise, clouds, etc...). I tend to use it when I just want a quick organic mask for making materials in UE3 and don't feel like firing up PS. (it's a Lerp's best friend

Sorry for not beeing helpfull :P maybe someone has a good idea !
but really, stuff like GoZ is great, making it easier for programs to communicate back and forth with each other. I've still yet to find a good way to do projection painting between 3d max and Photoshop (though i watch the video at slipgatecentral's blog (forgot his name but he won DW4) often and I want a workflow like that but so far haven't had any luck)
just keep your ears (eyes) open around the forum to see what people are bitching about and try to find a way to improve that for them
Along those lines a set of filters that are always seamless or won't break a seamless texture.
I source textures in PS from drive X but my work is on drive Z. Sure the next save dialog will pop up on drive X though.
There's some "default path" programs for Win but they all have their shorcomings (or tend to stop working with Win 7).
Sorry, I can't think of anything else and I doubt that you'll be able to create something like this if you're just looking into programming
That's sorta what I was working on a few years ago. I wanted it to make tilable procedurals... Maybe I'll go back to this until I get something more useful
@Ruz, that's a good idea too. Once I get back into the swing of things, I'll look at that (that shouldn't be too hard really...)
@Kwramm - Can't you just change them all to the same folder in the respected program? That has to be a setting somewhere :P
As far as 3D goes : focusing on UI user interaction on the biggest apps. Like the max ribbon but better? Pie menus too, just like in the wacom driver.
And to bridge the two worlds : a solid solution for exporting a screenshot to photoshop, paint over it, and reapply it on the mesh (obj, or inside max or maya). All solutions available at this current day pretty much suck with no exception! I wouldnt mind a standalone app for that, if it's powerful enough.
Plugins for Al.Che.My too!
Haha, really, the best thing would be having some sort of visual editor for making NDS games... And some kind of 3DS Max plugin to remove seams between UVW maps!
In theory - yes
I know there's extensions around for windows file open/save dialogues and you might be even able to make this stuff app specific by looking at running processes or whatever. It's just that I never really found a tool that actually performed flawlessly.
Something to sort out the render order for alpha stuff in Max would be cool. Like if it moved the pivots or re-created the objects in a specific order, just to make it look right for viewport rendering.
Folder shortcuts from a sidebar on the regular windows Open dialog would be nice, so that you could skip to whatever folder you're working in when going between programs.
UV mapping used to be a chore, but the tools are there now and I actually enjoy the process using Headus UVLayout or similar. Topology tools are improving, but they're not there yet and it's still the most tedious part of asset creation for me just now.
I don't know if this exists, but what if I made an app that loaded your mesh and you could 'paint' low poly planes where you wanted the hair?
Oh and Krwamm, I'm going to look at the major apps and see if I can change settings without actually opening the app (like an .ini file or something) maybe I could whip you something up that allowed you to set paths...
Lay out your rings lets say for an arm so one at the shoulder, one at the elbow and one at the wrist. Then select the boarders and use bridge, turn up the segments and use MaxRetopo or ConformWrap to conform the low poly mesh to the high.
Also there is polydraw in polyboost, but you're right its not a one click, done kind of affair, I'm not sure you can get that...
That's actually a good idea! cheers
Something that could detect which app it was activated on top of and give a menu of options that'd be sent as keystrokes/instructions to that app.
Would be very handy for "expert modes" or when using tablet and not having to be precise about clicking buttons on the edge of the screen.
This would be especially cool if...say..you had a model of an evil robot, and you previewed it in the browser, and you can just launch 3dsMax with the evil robot file from there.
Would save me a lot of time when going through old files I haven't touched in a long time...
Have you given Photoshop CS4's 3D layers a try? You can either paint directly on the mesh, or paint in another 2D layer above it, and then merge the 2D layer down, at which point it will be applied like a projection texture, except with dropoff along the mesh edges. Also, if you're painting directly on the mesh, you can double click the texture .psb that Photoshop assigns to it and edit it in another document the traditional way.
@DarthNater - Like Pior and Talon said, a nice pie menu like Wacom has, or a nice right click menu like Maya has, or a pie taskbar/dock would be nice.
I'm going to test it now, but if you have Windows 7 there is a fold in your user/documents folder called Links. If you put a shortcut to a folder in there, it should show up on the sidebar so long as you have it active.
Edit: Works in both the Explorer windows and Open File windows...
yes, i am Kevin's bulging forehead vein.
hahahahahahahaa.... awesome
That's doable too.... Maybe if you're shit wasn't so hi poly it wouldn't crash though! Seriously though, that wouldn't take all but 10 minutes to write up. Let me figure out these config files first :P
Everyone else, I'm liking this radial menu idea too. That may take some time though. I'm working on this junk in terms of how long they will take me to complete so I'm not ignoring you
Sync - post all you want. If you have a solution already, there's no point in me wasting my time :P Please, continue to help, there is a lot of good ideas here haha
There, now it does it 3 times HA
An example, GOZ will make our workflow better ^^
I would like to paint my 3d models in realtime with quality (specular, bump, etc), photoshop style. Actual tools are very bad for me.
EDIT oh sorry no that was parachutes
I like the hair/fur ideas.
I started creating a system, where you would designate a hair plane, it would grow hair, create a camera and render it, and UV map the geometry to match the camera view and apply the new material to the plane. basically a "capture hair cut" feature.
I ran into issues with getting the planes mapped when they where non standard shapes and there was an issue with getting things arranged. In the end it was easier to make a few planes and copy them around rather than try and juggle a bunch of cameras and UV layouts.
Shut up Vig, forehead vein's don't know anything else but seriousness!
update: Zbrush appears to use INI files and cfg files to save configs, but the damn things are all gibberish. I'm emailing pixologic to see if they can help at all (HA)... Can someone send me a config file (if it has one) for Maya and any other software you want me to try to get this default directory program thing (thats it's codename) to work with? I only have Max 2010, Zbrush, Photoshop and Mudbox so thats the only ones I can try and set this up with...
I'm just waiting for my VS 2008 download to finish, and I'll start on Max. I guess you need it to use the Max SDK (and no I'm not pirating it, I'm using Dreamspark).
I heard that modo does most of it, but I'm not sure if it has reached that level yet. I'm too afraid of trying it out; I would hate to have my dream (the about a magical package that does it all and picks up chicks in the meantime) getting crushed.
Basically, the less time I spend switching between the programs, the happier I am.
Someone has mentioned it before; magical UV and retopology tools would be damn nice. Topogun and maxRetopo make my suffering less painful though.
I've even had it go ape shit after collapsing it and I had to reset Xform AGAIN! Maybe that will be fixed in 2011................................................................................................................................. HAHAHAHAHAHA
wohoo! And I thought I was the only paranoid x-form button masher. I'm not alone anymore!