The target of the editor is C:\UDK\UDK-2010-02\Binaries\UDKLift.exe editor or go Start> All Programs> Unreal Development Kit> UDK version> UDK
Hope that helps
Do you mean both of them didnt work?
Try adding this shortcut to your desk top...fingers crossed. (just make sure you have the Feb version of UDK)
If that fails, uninstall and re-install UDK and try going through the menu again.
i had this problem. Create a shorcut for the C:\UDK\UDK-2010-02\Binaries\UDKLift.exe.
Right click the shortcut and select properties. Then in the target box under the shortcut tab add "editor" at the end of the text. It should look something like this.
Haha I also had this really should create a desktop icon to start with...or at least be in the start menu...
Seems to me you are selecting the wrong icon. There is a exe that will launch the game as you say, and also one that looks the same that launches the editor
Hope that helps
Try adding this shortcut to your desk top...fingers crossed. (just make sure you have the Feb version of UDK)
If that fails, uninstall and re-install UDK and try going through the menu again.
Right click the shortcut and select properties. Then in the target box under the shortcut tab add "editor" at the end of the text. It should look something like this.
C:\UDK\UDK-2010-02\Binaries\UDKLift.exe editor
Seems to me you are selecting the wrong icon. There is a exe that will launch the game as you say, and also one that looks the same that launches the editor