Heyo all,
I've always been annoyed by this but I'm sure there's a way to do it. How do ya'll handle scaling UV's to half along U or V to get a 2:1 image from the origin?
say I have a piece of Geo already mapped to a 512x256, then I want to add geometry and texturespace to it by just doubling it to 512x512. How do you squash the stretched UV's from 2:1 down to 1:1?
(Sorry if I'm not being clear, obviously I know you can just scale it but I'm wondering how you scale from the origin so I don't need to fudge my UV's or texture)
here's an image to explain it a little better
So I have my original setup at the top (UVs and Textures correspond), then i want to double the texture as shown below by just expanding the canvas. If I scale normally it uses the red point as the scale pivot, but I'd like to use the green dot as the scale pivot so that the uv position is EXACTLY the same, just shrunken.
I know how to move the pivot, just not how to do everything precisely
so I guess my questions: Is there a fancypants way to do this? and if not, how do I get the pivot handle of the freeform gizmo to snap to exactly 0,0 and scale to exactly 50%?
thank you sirs!