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Alex Gonzales wips desert Sniper

Hello this is my first time posting a wip.

Im working on this desert crossbow sniper character and i need some feedback before i begin to model this, he is going to be my first zbrush sculpt so i want him o be really cool. Any quick comments would be super welcome thanks.



  • natetheartist
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    natetheartist polycounter lvl 9
    its hard to critique something you haven't started yet, but if this is your first zbrush model, I'd choose something a little simpler.

    Also, i'm not sure if this is your concept or not, but (personally) I think the helmet is ruining what could be a very cool character. It just seems like it's trying too hard, especially with the bright yellow "eye" things. A color change could help, but right now, the head is hurting the design.

    The crossbow design is pretty cool though. I think the bipod needs to be slightly more frontmouned though, but maybe not depending on the weight of the stock.
  • Rojo
    This is going to be hard for your first sculpt. You may want to double check your proportions, the legs look too long and the arms look too short.

    From a design standpoint, why is a sniper wearing flashy colors, particularly in a barren landscape? The helmet is holding back the rest of the wardrobe. The armor/equipment feels like clutter, if this is a respirator, how is it working attached to the neck, and does this allow the head much mobility? Why wear hood in the desert? Where is the holster for the crossbow bolts?

    It's coming along, keep at it. The weapon looks solid.
  • alexgonzales

    here are some refinments, thanks for the great comments, ill work them out in the next pass.:)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    The crossbow concept looks better and makes more sense.
  • jmiles
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    jmiles interpolator
    personally, to be honest I actually really like the silhouette of the first one.. the character that is.. the refinement of the snipe crossbow of the 2nd images is way better than the first.. heck.. if you want to go above and beyond with your first zbrush sculpt.. by all means go for it.. it will take a little longer than one w/ more experience, but I think you will be proud of it when its done, and it will be a good learning experience..

    if I could make a suggestion about the character's proportions, perhaps bubble up the cloth near the knees or make his thighs a bit thicker.. i think that might balance out the proportions to the upper body because the legs feel a little bit weak.. otherwise.. cools props n accessories.. good luck :)
  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    Agreed with jmiles, the first silhouette is very nice, mainly because of the whole plant-looking thing on his back, though that will be hard to recreate,
    the second helmet looks better, but i dont like the backpack, looks like the old super soaker pack
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    I liked the first concept much more, the feathery plant things coming out from his back are unique, and nice to look at. I really thing both masks are hurting the character. It just doesn't fit well with everything else. Besides, how can a sniper look through a scope with a huge hunk of metal on his face?

    I'd say lose the mask, and if you are trying to cover the face, try something else, like a cloth/scarf.

    I also liked the weapon in the first one better..a sniper crossbow is a cool idea.

    I like the rest of the concept, The colors look nice, and it could be a badass piece when all is said and done.

    If this is your first time with zbrush, you make have your work cut out for you, seems like quite a detailed piece. Good luck!!
  • alexgonzales

    here he is without a helmet, thanks for all your help.
  • alexgonzales

    heres another piece from while back. thought i should show.

    thanks everyone for the comments above, it really helped.

    Sketchbook http://alexgonzales.com
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