I'm Igor, a second year student at University of the Arts London.
I'll be uploading my works to this thread to keep track on my progress. I hope to get loads of feedback (specially technical side) that would help me improve my skills.
Works will vary every time - multitasking in between college work and freelance. Not all of them are going to be related to game industry, but still.
So here are first few for today:


looking forward to getting any feedback.
this supposed to be a field medic, he will be paired with medical bot.
Not particularly happy with the form (find it quite tough to avoid cliche)
oh - and the panties he has on the chest - must go ^_^ , will edit them out tomorrow
i really should have spent some time on the mattress he was on (oh in case you're wondering - that's the tip of his toe)
I'm on my Easter break right now, so few more paintings are going to be finished and uploaded. Comments?
Cheers and keep it coming!
Thnx for suggestions.. I got stuck this afternoon whilst drawing that soldier. It's damn hard to get away from cliche forms. Recycling the shapes from neck/shoulder area is a great idea, thanks again)
Haven't posted any updates for a while now. End of term madness)
Anyway - here are some environment paintings I've done recently + unrelated drawings I've done for the T-shirt design company.
Comments and suggestions are welcome as usual. ^_^
Boring leg joints - but ok for now. Dying to get a decent pc so I can model some of these characters. (Working on my annoyingly slow/overheating laptop so far ^^)
Need your comments for this one.
there is something very wrong about it, cant figure it out? Colours? It's in raw condition, I hope I will be able to fix it as I improve the lights and details but your feedback would be usefull.
Also a quick character sketch.
So here is a WIP scene.
No textures yet, working on geometry and light.
Just a quick painting of a kitchen environment, no reference used, just getting used to my tablet.
Sketch of 3D environment I'm working on.
game menu
Thanks for you attention, would be grateful for any feedback. More updates coming soon.
Working on a big 3D modeling project for my degree, don't have a lot of time for painting... But here is something a manage to do in limited free time:
Thats a remake of a painting I've posted previously, just a bit more detailed ^_^
Update - trying to learn how to paint city atmosphere/composition/perspective etc.. more stuff is coming soon
Here is a scribble I've done last night half awake:
Now, I will try to show the entire process of making this unit into a 3d model, textured and everything.
I will start with doing a detailed painting to help me model it.
P.S i will try to post an update on a previous model as well.
generally changed a few shapes, it works better with round vents and a single pilot window (there are two pilot seats in one window - quite a big flying vehicle). It is going to sort of recon/special ops vehicle - capable of carrying small drop group with a vehicle, rotating thrusters to hold position and other features.
Shape turns out to be quite complex - have no clue how I'm going to model it ^_^
Meanwhile - here is a little something I did this evening
A concept of a genetically engineered soldier. Sort of a merge of hardware tech (gun installed inside? the arm) and genetic modification of a body (not human)..something like that
WIP, might be updated later on (more tats and other details + refine some forms)
Will pose him and equip with awesome gear - stay tuned.
P.S is it me or frontal has problems with head being too big - I mean yeah, it's far-shortening and everything but still?
Not happy about certain colour (particular backpack-thing, want to change it to worn out copper) And a lot of work on details and staff.. still planing to do a more hardcore version of technomage character
Nice work so far though!
Thanks again, I better get back to work:)
Haven't posted here in while. Here are some new stuff I've been working on.
And here are three important stages:
Clean drawing
Hard shadows
Basic colour
Afterwards - texturing, polishing and doing nice light effects.
All this i've learned thanks to this tutorial (russian version only I'm afraid) - http://karanak.livejournal.com/56756.html#cutid1
Really cool artist, check out his gallery for inspiration - http://karanak.deviantart.com/gallery/
And the thing I'm working on right now -
a few more hours to polish details and presentation layout - the hardest for me:)
Damn that 80/20 rule:)
You're right about larger stroke - working on it:) Used to do drawings, so painting is still new for me - trying to learn these things through speed paints, hopefully will see results soon.