Working in an industry that has a casual dress code has been great. It's funny being the only company in the building that doesn't require business suits.
So what is your style? What brands do your prefer? Where do you find them?
I'll start. I'm a blue jeans and t-shirt guy. I prefer Levi's relaxed fit, and I have several shirts from I need more gamer shirts. My old Polycount shirt is faded and torn. Same goes for my HL2 collector's edition shirt. Other shirts I received for free from events and promotions from online stores, like newegg.
I always wear Skechers shoes. I don't know why. I just do.
I like to wear black flex-fit baseball caps backwards. No velcro or plastic closures.
Boxer briefs. :thumbup:
Anyway, I'll play along:
I go to target and get whatever is in the clearance. I love the button up casual shirts (usually can get them for 7 bucks). Jeans: whatever is cheap, I usually won't spend more than 20 dollars on jeans... Shoes: Vans, Elements, or old man shoes... Seriously, Im wearing a pair of deerskin looking slip ons as I type this...
jk.. lol. I like my button up long sleeve shirts, jeans, skate shoes, hat. I like nice clothes, i just usually don't spend the money on them.
Yup...pretty much my same style.
But I like to wear Lucky Brand Jeans too.
Im sure you guys would love to know that I buy all my underwear at Victoria Secret :P
Oh and sketchers ftw! But I have like 50 pairs of shoes.
I'm pretty much like everyone else...just tshirts and jeans for me most of the time.
Whats not working for ya? I even got my guns for references to make my models more accurate.
(no, not really :P)
You like the expensive jeans. My wife was just mentioning the Lucky Jeans to me the other day, but we both keep our jeans purchase under $30
I do software in a work environment that is probably a bit different than you guys are use to. It's more of a formal requirement, so I'm required to wear the business casual. So, I have 'casual dress' shoes, which is hard for me since I wear size 15, typically polo shirts, and docker style pants (Usually Eddie Bauer).
This. Same jeans, a band shirt, and my beanie. Hoodie optional. Flannel button up if I'm feeling wild.
They had a half off sale right after Christmas so I jumped on that, I like expensive stuff but I usually try and catch the sales or else I couldn't afford it either :P I'm trying to keep myself at a 2 t-shirt per month budget :P
But the lucky jeans are worth it just for the quality, and the fit, they are the most comfortable jeans I have.
I just had to buy a bunch of polo shirts for my job at gamestop :P cuz I dont have any cool promotion shirts yet :<
I would describe my style as 15 year old boy meets lazy/cheap/old punk rocker.
Typical T-Shirts and levis, or cargo shorts.
On casual days it's Levi's and either a metal band shirt (Opeth usually) or my Lucky Brand T-Shirt that says "Rock and Roll is the Devil's Music" and has a devil with a guitar rocking out.
Just on the weekends
Fashion is for chumps.
You know, formfitting, clothes, because I like how they fit; H&M is great for this.
And eye-catching shoes. Always.
What I wear is mostly jeans with shirts and tshirts.
And no cargos and shirts, as --for some reason-- I see lots of american game-devs wearing in videos. What the fuck is going on there?
Too expensive. Omg, $50 for a bra?!?! Like, no way.
Pea: not a fatty, but I usually wear US size XL shirts.
-Red Converse allstars
-black army baggy pants
-short sleeved gray button up collar shirt
- Guerilla scarf crimson red
- green german army bundes jacket with hoodie.
I will have to agree with this statement sir!