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Could anyone give me some infomation about Frogster Interactive? (in Berlin)

polycounter lvl 8
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sstese polycounter lvl 8
I'm quite not sure about I can post this kind of post or not,
but I just couldn't find the information that I want in Google and I have to
get it on time..

so thing is, I'm a 3d Character artist in Korea and today
I've got a job interviwe from Frogstor studio which is subsidiary company of Frogster Interactive Pictures .

And they told me that Frogster Interactive is one of the biggest company in german, so that almost people know the company.

But the thing is, in Korea, Frogstor isn't popular. anybody doen't know the company!, so I just would like to know how much is the company popular in your contury and Europe.

Just for additional Info, I wish I work in Berlin or England in future ,
so I just wondering if it can be my career or not.



  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    "And they told me that Frogster Interactive is one of the biggest company in german" ... easy to say since there aren't many big game companies in germany ;) Compared to the countries size the number of game companies isn't very big.

    Frogster's been around a few years. I think they made a couple adventure games and have an outsourcing studio somewhere in eastern Europe (Romania or Ukraine? not sure). The games looked fairly solid to me but not spectacular - i.e. they can't compete with EA or Ubi blockbusters.

    Berlin itself is a quite cool place from what I heard, with a great art scene. Sounds like an interesting location.
  • PhattyEwok
  • e-freak
    I don't know to much about them. They didn't produce any AAA titles and they might be one of the larger devs around but that doesn't say to much. What they did, and what is cool is the publishing of Red Orchestra (and Rag Doll Kung Fu). If you have the chance to get to europe that way and that's what you want, then do it. If you hope they compare to crytek (which really IS the largest german developer) in terms of visual and technical quality you might better drop out.
  • sstese
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    sstese polycounter lvl 8
    thanks a lot guys. It was very helpfull!! Now I can make a decision more currectly : )
    hum.. Now I can see the company is not as much as bigger than they've told..
    but, I'm still wondering now KKK.. Anyway thanks milion again : )

    ah.. If you don't mind.. what are you think about ' The Chronicles of Spellborn' ?
    Coz, If I had this job, I'm going to join this team for localization and they also
    told me the game is very successful in Europe at least as a MMO.

    I've heard that it was quite good MMO game, but otherwise the devleoper had been bankrupt ,and some of people say it's just can't compare with populer mmos..

    so.. If you have played this game, just let me know what you think.
    it would be really helpfull : )
    (I would play if I could but I can't play. Coz It's not service in Korea)

    P.s I've googled it a lot, but I couldn't find some playforums with many numbers of player.. so, I want to know the truth.. was it really successful in MMO filed?
  • sstese
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    sstese polycounter lvl 8
    thanks a lot guys. It was very helpfull!! Now I can make a decision more currectly : )
    hum.. Now I can see the company is not as much as bigger than they've told..
    but, I'm still wondering now KKK.. Anyway thanks milion again : )

    ah.. If you don't mind.. what are you think about ' The Chronicles of Spellborn' ?
    Coz, If I had this job, I'm going to join this team for localization and they also
    told me the game is very successful in Europe at least as a MMO.

    I've heard that it was quite good MMO game, but otherwise the devleoper had been bankrupt ,and some of people say it's just can't compare with populer mmos..

    so.. If you have played this game, just let me know what you think.
    it would be really helpfull : )
    (I would play if I could but I can't play. Coz It's not service in Korea)

    P.s I've googled it a lot, but I couldn't find some playforums with many numbers of player.. so, I want to know the truth.. was it really successful in MMO filed?
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    A friend of mine works in Seoul for Frogster Asia. If you meet him, he's tall punkrock guy named Steven. He seems happy working there. He was part of the original Spellborn team and moved to Korea for the "reboot' thing.
    I don't know so much about the game, but he really believed in it, still does. All in all I get a positive impression from him, I wouldn't worry too much about the company's allure and status if it's a fun job :)
  • Snipergen
    What Xoliul said, that guy moved from Belgium to Korea in a heartbeat, and from what I hear he really likes it there. Go for it! :) Good luck!
  • Snipergen
    Yay for posting bugs!
  • sstese
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    sstese polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks million Xoliul it was very helpful : )
    I've heard about Steven just for introduction their staff,
    but It's very nice to hear that the man ,who's working in the project, is really into in it.
    Also thanks for sharing you opinion Snipergen : )
    thanks a lot again
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