So I'm working on a few new things to put into my portfolio. This is the first prop in a series of three pieces all with the same cast iron theme.
Here is my highpoly. I'm calling this step done, but if you have anything to add let me know. Some of the smaller details I plan on adding into the texture later with the normal map filter.
Lowpoly soon to come
Here is the original reference photo:
She specifically stated that model was her high poly.
Firecracker, so far you're very accurate and the model is clean, if you have time I would also think about possibly sculpting in those designs you see in the middle section of the pole. Other than that, it should bake down fairly well. Just make sure you're extra careful with the extruded designs into a cylindrical plane, may be a pain to work with since you'll need a cage.
Nice work, keep it up. Love to see it in LP and textured.
The rings and things around the pole are also a lot more angular then the real one.
Lastly you'll want to thicken up and round out the crowns because right now they'll end up a rather flat normal map.
Seconding what Snader said about thickening things up. Since you're using planes for the lowpoly, a bit more of an exaggerated bevel to get a good read.
Thanks for the other tips guys!
Hopefully I get good results with the alphas for the supports.