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Maya 2009: Split Edge

polycounter lvl 18
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killingpeople polycounter lvl 18

I want to break my mesh along an edge selection. Anyone know how to do this?

Stab my eyes. I miss you Max, I miss your touch. I miss your musk. After all this, we should move-in and get an apartment together T_T


  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Not sure exactly what you are looking for. But try Edit Mesh > Split Polygon Tool, Insert Edge Loop Tool, Cut Faces Tool
  • chronic
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    chronic polycounter lvl 10
    you have to select the faces that you want to break off and do Mesh>Extract
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    kodde: Thanks for the reply, but all three of those are poly cutting tools that do not do what I'm trying to describe.

    All I want to do, is break the mesh along a previously selected loop/edges.

    chronic: Thanks for the reply. I'm looking to break an edge selection not a face selection.
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Define "break an edge selection" :)
  • CrazyMatt
    I believe he is referring to selecting and edge (or an edge loop) and splitting that 1 edge into 2 separate edges. (much like detaching an object from another, only in this case he is preparing it by the edge as a border between two meshes that are currently welded as one.

    @Killingpeople, I believe the easiest solution for this in Maya. Would be use the bevel command on a selected edge loop, and from there. Select an edge ring and convert selection to faces. After wards, delete the in between and scale the verts down (if the value on the bevel command is too far apart.) Then use the "seperate" command to break the two.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    crazymatt, that sounds bananas, or rather, driving the car to get across the street.... no offense of course... unless i too have just totally misunderstood what KP is trying to do here.

    chronic's method is how i do it, it is just a difference between selection methods.

    separate works on objects that have been combined (two meshes combined to make one) much like attach and detach in max. edit: not really.... *sigh* attaching is like combining and detaching is like extracting... i need a beer.

    extract pulls the individual polys that you selected to make them into two new polysurfaces in one group... take note of that in outliner as naming conventions will go to shit if you're not carefuldedareful.

    take it easy champ. maybe you should sit the next couple of plays out.

    OH! an depending on which version you are using, you may have to manually tell maya to keep faces together. this was fixed in 8 - 2008 versions i believe...... if you don't have to manually tell it to keep faces together when you extrude, then you're good to go... those days of typing in yes in the channel box SUCKED... scriptididoda
  • Krynn72
    Killingpeople, if I understand you correctly, you just want to cut a model into two pieces along an edgeloop, correct? If so, just select your edgeloop, then go to edit mesh > detach component. Its still technically one mesh even though the verts are no longer welded, so just do mesh > separate.

    Hope thats what you were looking for.
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Krynn> Be aware that this would require some form of vertex merge as well, else all verts associated along that edge would be detached from each other.

    I'm with Chronic's suggestion to use extract. If you don't want extract to create a new object of your selected faces then just uncheck the "separate extracted faces".
  • chronic
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    chronic polycounter lvl 10
    Krynn72's workflow is the closest you will get to what you want - but all those associated verts along the break egde will be seperated too (creates too much room for error imo - if you forget to reweld).

    The exact workflow you are looking for is simply not implemented in Maya, sorry.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    CrazyMatt wrote: »
    I believe he is referring to selecting and edge (or an edge loop) and splitting that 1 edge into 2 separate edges. (much like detaching an object from another, only in this case he is preparing it by the edge as a border between two meshes that are currently welded as one.

    exactly yes.
    Krynn72 wrote: »
    you just want to cut a model into two pieces along an edgeloop, correct?

    yeah this is what I want to do... the same behavior like detach component, but I want the verts to remain connected on both borders.

    be back later to try this other junk out! thanks again
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    Firebert wrote: »
    crazymatt, that sounds bananas, or rather, driving the car to get across the street.... no offense of course... unless i too have just totally misunderstood what KP is trying to do here.

    Speaking of Bananas that is exactly how I do it. ( Bevel )

    cly_edgeSplitBevel.mel 3449043706_09714f2ff2_o.jpg

    splits geometry on edge selections
    ( a single edge requires at least one hole neighbor )
    edit the resulting tear with the bevel's offset attribute:
    mmb -ctrl drag -> ( cly_splitBevel.offset )
    tried lots of crazy self intersecting loops to try and break it...
    happiness so far.

  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    wow, yeah, totally misunderstood what the objective of this would be. crazymatt's workflow description sounded to me more like a way of creating two separate meshes, and combine that with "selecting an edge loop and split", seemed more like extraction in maya.. shovel in hand.... so the real answer here, per usual is, script?
  • Froyok
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    Froyok greentooth
    I just found this thread and the solution posted by claydough looks very good, but I can't find how to install the script... I'm using maya 2011 and I don't know at all the script workflow...

    I tried to follow what the readme says, but I can't get it...
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14

    Place script in scripts directory which is located in your my documents folder. So go My Documents -> 2011 -> scripts and put that in there. Same for icons. Maya should detect it on restart or type rehash in maya's command line (bottom left). Once thats done, type cly_edgeSplitBevelSetUp; in the command line and enter. Once I get back from doing some chores, I'll try this in maya 2011.
  • Froyok
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    Froyok greentooth

    Place script in scripts directory which is located in your my documents folder. So go My Documents -> 2011 -> scripts and put that in there. Same for icons. Maya should detect it on restart or type rehash in maya's command line (bottom left). Once thats done, type cly_edgeSplitBevelSetUp; in the command line and enter. Once I get back from doing some chores, I'll try this in maya 2011.
    Worked fine ! Thank you very much ! :)
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Froyok wrote: »
    Worked fine ! Thank you very much ! :)

    no problem froyok :)
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    Just for the info, you might not need the script at all, as Autodesk added this feature in Maya 2011 (maybe 2010, not sure).
    Edit Mesh > Detach Component now splits edges like the Split button in Max (doesn't completely break the vertex like it used to).
  • mikajaxxx
    Krynn72 wrote: »
    Killingpeople, if I understand you correctly, you just want to cut a model into two pieces along an edgeloop, correct? If so, just select your edgeloop, then go to edit mesh > detach component. Its still technically one mesh even though the verts are no longer welded, so just do mesh > separate.

    Hope thats what you were looking for.

    Hi everyone,
    i had the same problem for a complex mesh and 1000000000 tnx for krynn. this is the best and easiest way to separate meshs from edge /edgeloop selected
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