Hey guys after 4 months of being unemployed and living on literally table scraps and unemployment.
I will be working at liquid development on site for the next 2 weeks for as they refereed to it a "extended interview" I will be working on a fun project during that time and working with some awesome guys

And my cousin got in as well! So both of us will be there!
so if all goes well after the 2 weeks hopefully I can talk with them about more concrete job placement

Wish me luck everyone!

I hope you do well!
Congrats, dude and best of luck.
Great show good chap... sock-it-to-em
Im just stubborn to believe in that "disappear for a year and be awesome" Excuse to look for work
just be like that, and damnit i cant stop watching.. asdf!!
gratsios mistah!
Even if it is a temp thing, it sounded like they wanted to test if I can do what I say.
so hopefully if it all works out I will be riding the gravy train to awesome. And I wont have to worry about my roomate/cousin being left in the breeze since he will be right there with me!
Im totally eatting a entire cow (Im having the steak + the extra) !
Needless to say im full of excitement right now
You guys make me jealous
...But if they do, remember to use the overhand right after a swift kick to the groin.
and also grats on finding the best gif on the intertubes. hard on sparkle casting is the only way to cast magic. Those nay-sayers above are always casting limps and so they know not the splendor of a rock hard spandex spell rolling off the top. I almost pity them. Good to see you actually are on the level you claim to be with your spell casting.
Hopefully me and my cousin will be working there on site full time if this all squares out!
Im gonna kick ass and chew gum but im all out of ass......wait..?
Nice to hear good news and not only about layoffs.
Score one for the good guys.
Just make sure to hide that erection:)