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FF XIII on 360 only 576p.......?

polycounter lvl 18
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odium polycounter lvl 18
Wow... This is a kick in the balls for 360 fans everywhere who were hoping it was gonna be on par, thats for sure. 576p ingame, 720p video. Compared to the 720p ingame and 1080p video of the PS3. Shame, really is a bad shame, because FFXIII isn't really doing much of anything both consoles can't do at 720p native... So what happened?


But do graphics make the game...? Well, worst of all, the games getting bad reviews. Walk in a straight line 90% of the game, no world map, no villages, no stores (Except at save points), nothing that made a FF game "GOOD" IMO. SE are moaning that its just Westerners having different standards, but when you dumb down a game this much... I dunno, I have to ask...

Have SE finally lost touch with what makes a game good?



  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Well, this was bound to happen eventually. The 360 doesn't have the power of the PS3, so eventually, games were going to start surpassing the abilities of the 360, but still be good on the PS3. Does that mean it's necessary? Probably not, but then again, the FF games are usually pretty amazing graphically.

    On that point, to answer your other question, I think it depends on the game. Like I said, a big part of FF is the beauty of the game, and I think expectations are greater with each version. It will still probably be a great game on the 360.
    But, other games can be great, even without amazing graphics. I mean, look at Tetris. It's a great game, and I've never thought, I wish this had better looking blocks.

    on different point, wtf is 576p? I've never seen that. You'd think it would be the standard 480/720/1080. And personally, I'd prefer to see something removed/reduced in order to keep the 720p, rather than dropping the resolution to keep the content the same.
  • PixelGoat
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    PixelGoat polycounter lvl 12
    I really dont care about resolution and stuff. Final Fantasy is always Final Fantasy. I dont play it for the graphics. But for the story :)
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    It's distilled down to what most people look for in Final Fantasy, the story. If you say 'gameplay', really, have you ever played FF? Maybe it's distilled too much, who knows.

    Meh, I refuse to take a compressed .JPG still frame as evidence of low quality graphics.

    As with all Final Fantasy games, what SE does with this game will not be the way things are done in the next one.

    Not that I care about comparisons, I'm not buying a PS3 anytime soon anyway.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Was that post aimed at me snemmy? Of course I've played them, I was an old school player on the nes/snes before sony even knew the word. Then with the PSX I played the crap out of 7/8/9, but after that is where it all started to go downhill for me. 10 was terrible, X-2 was worse. 11 was online online and 12 I never got a chance to play but I hear wasn't half bad, just missing a lot of classic features.

    The reason I say XIII has changed and SE has lost the plot a bit is because they are too busy trying to make every female character have ultra high res panty shots rather than working on the gameplay, which even as a die hard fan you MUST admit has slowly being getting stale and worse with every game.

    In reply to notmans "this had to happen eventually" I totally disagree AND agree. The 360 has the power to MATCH the PS3 in this game, easy. Theres nothing going on here that can't be done on 360, simple as that. The only real issue is storage space because they used 1080p movies, which granted the 360 was never gonna do on three disks. But there is zero reason why system thats on par with the PS3 in different ways* should be producing lower results, and it simply stinks of bad porting. Same as all the other games that are ugly as shit, slow and lower resolution the other way around. Its just a terrible port.

    * 360 gpu is slightly ahead of the PS3 GPU, but PS3 CPU blows the 360 out of the water. It however takes a LOT of skill to get the juice from it. I don't disagree that there will be rare gems that look stunning that wont be possible on the 360, but as yet I haven't seen one that couldn't be done on 360 if storage medium was an issue, and that includes God Of War, Heavy Rain, Gran Turismo and Killzone 2.
  • bounchfx
    PixelGoat wrote: »
    I really dont care about resolution and stuff. Final Fantasy is always Final Fantasy. I dont play it for the graphics. But for the story :)

    funny, I play it for the graphics because SE has some bad ass artists, and I don't think I can even remember a story from any ff's outside of 6 and x, which even then i only remember the overarching idea. I never thought they were that fantastic :P

    but I do think people are blowing this out of proportion.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I hadn't thought about the storage space. I was thinking of the trailers I saw previously, that have a lot of activity going on in the game at one time. I figured that's probably taking down the 360's cpu.
    Eventually every system finds it's limit, and I think the 360 will find its limit before the PS3 will. That's what I was getting at with my statement.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Every system has a limit. The point is however, how the dev team handles that limit.

    I only need to point at God Of War 2 and the spec they had to work with to prove that one. The PS2 is what, at LEAST 5x lower power wise than the Wii, ON PAPER... Yet GOW2 still looks better than any Wii game to date.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    These games have started to suck pretty hard since Sakaguchi left. I was not even going to pick this one up even though I played all the other core FF games (and beat a pretty good number of them too).

    Versus looks less like the same warmed-over shit. Maybe I will buy that one.
  • bounchfx
    funny enough, sakaguchi's games haven't been very good since either.
  • ImSlightlyBored
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    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 17
    damn im in trouble when I play the game through my 1600% magnifying glass then
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    576? what the fuck. i'm not a god damned caveman.

    boycott this abortion.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    notman wrote: »
    Eventually every system finds it's limit, and I think the 360 will find its limit before the PS3 will. That's what I was getting at with my statement.

    Don't think it means anything, because exclusives are becoming too much of an unnecessary risk for such ridiculously high development costs.

    BTW, I'm pretty sure the resolution specs were reversed on GTA4.
    (X360 had the 620p, and PS3 had the 520p.)

    It's 2 different systems of architecture. They both do different things better.

    BTW if you haven't noticed about 99% of multi-platform games, has a better looking 360 version, with Valve completely abandoning PS3 for the opposite reasons as you're presuming.

  • Pseudo
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    Pseudo polycounter lvl 18
    bounchfx wrote: »
    funny enough, sakaguchi's games haven't been very good since either.

    Did you play Lost Odyssey? Amazing game with brilliant visuals and a story that was leaps and bounds above any final fantasy (First time I've gotten choked up since a certain flower girl died...)
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    i dont mind slight resolution downgrade ...
    even tho i dont own 360 i knew the polygon and self shadowing has been downgrade

    but this
    odium wrote: »
    But do graphics make the game...? Well, worst of all, the games getting bad reviews. Walk in a straight line 90% of the game, no world map, no villages, no stores (Except at save points), n


    man this a joke ...lol

    about the battle system, judge urself, as final fantasy fan :p
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    wow, 720p sure becomes lower every day.
  • bounchfx
    Pseudo wrote: »
    Did you play Lost Odyssey? Amazing game with brilliant visuals and a story that was leaps and bounds above any final fantasy (First time I've gotten choked up since a certain flower girl died...)

    there's this thing.. called hyperbole.
    you fuckin' mastered that shit.

    and yes, I played lost odyssey. if you really feel it was that good, cheers. I feel it was 1998. I liked the premise, but they kinda dropped the ball in terms of the way I thought they could have used it.
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 17
    odium wrote: »
    Then with the PSX I played the crap out of 7/8/9, but after that is where it all started to go downhill for me. 10 was terrible, X-2 was worse. 11 was online online and 12 I never got a chance to play but I hear wasn't half bad, just missing a lot of classic features.

    The reason I say XIII has changed and SE has lost the plot a bit is because they are too busy trying to make every female character have ultra high res panty shots rather than working on the gameplay, which even as a die hard fan you MUST admit has slowly being getting stale and worse with every game.

    Check this crazy theory man,

    I think FF X although a good final fantasy for me, is where it began, like you mentioned. Every release after that felt like something was missing. Its like the soul of the game was taken away.

    Of course it was, Sakaguchi-San was packin his bags!

    Why ? well I dont know for sure, but heres what I think. Sakaguchi-San was proud to create something that was eastern in flavour, it didnt try to be anything it was not, and was a winning formula.

    I think the big wigs stepped in and said ' Look champ, we need to open these games up to the western market, its awesome now, but lets do MORE, we need to appeal more broadly, we need to etc etc etc " and he went, 'no lets stick to what we are doing - they will come anyway'

    A vote was cast, and Sakaguchi-San lone hand raised into the air supporting the " Lets keep it real " direction.

    He packed his bags shortly thereafter.

    And now, we end up with these kind of hybrid games that hover somewhere in unknown territory for me, somewhere not quite asian and not quite western....
  • Cheez
    Actually, what happened was Sakaguchi blew a fortune on the Final Fantasy movie (Spirits Within) and that kind of did it for him, as far as his Square career was concerned.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Do not want, I remember how Halo 3 looked :(
  • Quokimbo
    Stop whining about inferiority and get a PS3. LOL :)


    Lost Odyssey was meh...Like stated, I think it could have been really good! There was no comparison to Aeris' death in Lost Odyssey IMO.

    Just watched that game play video...I like making all those decisions that the game was making for me. That is why I play Japanese Role Playing Games. Hmmm, I bet it will still be great!

    I love Final Fantasy...

  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Fan of FF6-10. Didn't like any of the others. Still hoping 13 will be good but after 10 the whole franchise fell appart imo, so at best leaning on the side of cautiously optimistic atp. As for the resolution issues, I just see it as one more reason to get a ps3, no big deal.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    Every Final Fantasy is horrible and oh my god what are they doing with the franchise and it used to be good but now it's terrible and they don't know what they're doing and it's not even relevant anymore and we said that for 8 and we said that for 9 and we said that for 10 and we said that for 12 and now we're saying it again for 13 and we'll say it for 14 and we'll say it for 15 and every time after that even though they all sell millions to critical acclaim and adoring fans.

    History repeats, humans are stupid, FF continues to be really good and has the highest production values of any RPG.

    And every change they did were things that people have been asking them to do for ages. This is why listening to gamers too much is dangerous, they don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Knowing what you like and what you will like are two completely different things and almost everyone is horrible at the latter.

    And back on topic: I am taking this news as karmic balance for getting the short stick on Bayonetta. Should be noted that Bayo is still the best action game ever even on the PS3, so I'm sure FF13 will be great on 360 regardless of the horrible aliasing.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    Final Fantasy?
    So it's going to be the same BS about Crystals and Darkness, right?
    (Admitted I love the FF games, but it's getting a bit stale. almost)
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    Yeah, it sucks, no doubt about that. But honestly, I don't really mind. It's still a step up from FFXII and I still go back and play the older FF's... and those graphics are pretty ancient. I'm just grateful it's even coming to the 360, since I don't have a PS3 currently.
  • Luxury
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    Luxury polycounter lvl 18
    I guess I am in the minority in thinking that 12 was really amazing. Probably my favorite.
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 17
    FF XII has some of the best hand painted art Ive ever seen in a game period. Shame to see the best parts you need to grind for hours to actually unlock the access to those massive bosses.

    Luxury: Your not alone man, i really enjoyed it, not as much as 8, but pretty damn close!

    I dont think your going to notice the graphic difference really when your playing the game, unless your a real picky bastard and your looking for it, but if your that kind of player, suck it up and buy a ps3 lol
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18

    the high definition era.
  • Rurouni Strife
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    Rurouni Strife polycounter lvl 10
    Lol I like how this thread turned into a "Where Final Fantasy went wrong" thing.

    My bro has a PS3 and I haven't played a Final Fantasy all the way through since X-2. Which was fun but I'd never pick it up again. I actually loved X, and I think XIII is suppose to have the same non overworld "linear" type deal right? Personally, bring it!

    As far as the 576p stuff, if it's true it's probably to save space on the disks. Or, what could be more likely, to save time porting to the 360. Think about it, if you can save months of programming or whatever by dropping the resolution and have it launch on time...what's to stop you?
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Please tell me you didn't fall into the trap of saying screen resolution = size on disk...?

    The game could be 25p or 1080p, the size on disk won't change :p

    But I agree with your last point. Its more likely they said "right, lets cut some corners here and there, it will sell regardless and we can make the date". I would have much rather they said "Ok guys, sorry but 360 owners are gonna have to wait a month or two more while we get it up to par because we believe in giving you quality, not just any old mess".

    Sadly, Money > *.* to most devs these days, and the customer comes last... I would give examples of this but in recent times I would likely be here all day typing...
  • bounchfx
    eld I don't see MW2 represented anywhere on there. wouldn't it fall in between FF13 and Halo 3? It runs at 600p apparently heh
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    odium wrote: »
    Please tell me you didn't fall into the trap of saying screen resolution = size on disk...?

    The game could be 25p or 1080p, the size on disk won't change :p

    But I agree with your last point. Its more likely they said "right, lets cut some corners here and there, it will sell regardless and we can make the date". I would have much rather they said "Ok guys, sorry but 360 owners are gonna have to wait a month or two more while we get it up to par because we believe in giving you quality, not just any old mess".

    Sadly, Money > *.* to most devs these days, and the customer comes last... I would give examples of this but in recent times I would likely be here all day typing...

    can you elaborate more of the "The game could be 25p or 1080p, the size on disk won't change"
    cuz im interested to know about it.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    erm, ok?

    "Game Resolution" has zero impact on the file size of anything at all. Do PC games suddenly increase or decrease in install size when you higher or lower resolution?

    720p and 1080p are simple buzz words for "resolution of the screen", but the actual screen resolution bares no impact at all on media sizes. Granted if your game is in 1080p, lower resolution assets will show up poorer, but thats due to an increased pixel count. The only time resolution like that maters is when you make movies to fit. In the example of FFXIII, the movies are all 1080p on PS3, compared to 720p on 360. This will obviously impact storage medium.

    But remember that a 512x512 texture is the same space in memory no matter what resolution you play a game at. I'm not talking performance as thats a totally different area.
  • Whargoul
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    Whargoul polycounter lvl 18
    It's not due to the power of the system, but the framebuffer memory on the 360. If you are using a non standard frame buffer format for things like HDR or MSAA (kept unresolved), deferred lighting, etc - you can't fit the entire frame in the EDRAM on the 360, unless you do tiled rendering which a lot of developers don't like since it can be a pain in the ass.

    Turthfully, it's always the PS3 which holds us back in most cases, since it's fill rate is such shit. Yes, the cell let's you off-load stuff - but in almost all cases, we just build for PS3 and know the 360 will handle it no problem (except for the damn frame buffer size).

    Really, they should have done tiled - lazy bastards.
  • jakelear
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    jakelear polycounter lvl 14
    ps3 vs 360 ram allocation limitations rambreakdown.jpg

    PS3 is more restrictive, 360 just lets it flow
    Why is FFXIII so backwards - Probably because they're porting from the ps3 to the 360 and that's just backwards

    in other words the ps3 is a kid who doesn't want his foods to touch each other

    I lovingly refer to my ps3 as an uncharted 2 adapter.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Aye. If it wasn't for the Uncharted series I would have likely sold the PS3 long ago and got a cheap BluRay player. Uncharted makes the system worth owning, its THAT good.
  • toren3d
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    toren3d polycounter lvl 7
    notman wrote: »
    Well, this was bound to happen eventually. The 360 doesn't have the power of the PS3



    Ask a PS3 dev how that 256 megs of RAM is treating them ;-)
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Cheez wrote: »
    Actually, what happened was Sakaguchi blew a fortune on the Final Fantasy movie (Spirits Within) and that kind of did it for him, as far as his Square career was concerned.

    Which is kind of funny since without him Square would have gone out of business in the 80's

    720p and 1080p are simple buzz words for "resolution of the screen", but the actual screen resolution bares no impact at all on media sizes.

    This is true for gameplay, but I bet there are a lot of pre-rendered videos for FF13, which do use a lot more space for higher rez.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    It was confirmed from the devs there were like 16 hours worth of video... But video isnt the point as they can be a seperate resolution :p
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    considering the fact that the videos on 360 will play at 720p right, even while gameplay is lower.
  • Quokimbo
    16 hours of video 720p, vs. what? 80 hours of 576p game play?

    And multiple discs...So I read.
  • Rurouni Strife
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    Rurouni Strife polycounter lvl 10
    Lol I probably fell into the trap. I was thinking of texture rez/Pre rendered cut scenes but...yea. Whops.
  • dyf
    i also don't mind the graphics downgrade.. i played FF 7, 8, X, X-2 and a little bit of 12..

    now i'm playing FF6; sure it isn't 3d and the graphics are very modest but i'm still enjoying it because it has a really nice story, and you can connect with each of its 7+ characters..

    i personally think FF went downhill after the merge between Square and Enix.. many of the original developers left the company (including my personal favorite composer Nuobo Uematsu).. even FFX that many people liked was barely salvageable in my opinion..
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 20
    Did anyone else notice that her arm is clipping through the shoulder stock before they really noticed the difference in pixel grain and gamma?
  • Irreal
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    Irreal polycounter lvl 10
    Well, if the PS3 version is superior then I'll definitely be getting the 360 version on multiple disks. No wait. I need to think about this.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Not including HDMI cables in the 360 bundle is certainly much worse than the downrez !
    On the other hand PS3 never shipped with them at all so maybe it *is* a similar game experience in the end :P

    The lighting differences are weirder imo
    Also I cannot wait to see the magic trickery used on the latest FF games to be ported over other systems. It looked so great even in the early PS3 screenshots years ago - that one weird dithering pass they perform on the edge of hair strands making 1bit masked hair awesome!!!
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 17
    pior wrote: »
    It looked so great even in the early PS3 screenshots years ago - that one weird dithering pass they perform on the edge of hair strands making 1bit masked hair awesome!!!

    Elaborate ?!! Where did you find/ see/ hear this man ?
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Well whenever an engine allows for 'gradient' transp for hair it often looks like trash (like background foliage showing through characters hair in UT2004!) ... and on top of that hair is not really a transparent thing anyways so 'alpha hair' can only go this far.

    By looking at the early screenshots and even more so by comparing the 360 and PS3 latest grabs of FFXIII, the thing that stands out the most to me is that the hair masking, even tho its calling the same texture asset (1bit masking), looks quite different from one platform to the other. I remember that the subject was discussed here a long time ago, and I think CrazyButcher explained what it was about. It seems like a very PS3 specific thing. Or maybe a japanese developper trade secret hehe.

    Or maybe I'm just imagining things! :P

    It was already gorgeous on PS2 ... and I am 90% sure they did not have access to greyscale alpha on that system!
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Pior, dont you mean when you do full transparency by dithering screen-space pixels?, meaning it can do extremely cheap but nice looking transparency by dithering transparency in 1 bits instead of doing full pixel to pixel calculations, that would require correct sorting.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    yup I think that's exactly what it is!! That sounds very smart and elegant. On the screenshots there is some very tiny pixels to be seen on the hair but the masking texture just cannot be that highres!

    Any other games doing that?

    (derailing the thread a little BUT PS3/360 comparison threads can only go that far hehe)
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    mgs4 does it too for some stuff, like when snake is too close to the camera and it makes him transparent.
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