Does anyone think that having a dedicated video card is really necessary for doing light 3D work on a laptop?
I'm thinking about getting a laptop, with the idea that I might end up doing some amount of 3D on it. My last high end laptop was a dell m1530, which made a lot of noise and was really hot.
So if I get one with no graphics card will I be completely gimped for 3D work?
I use mostly 3DS Max and photoshop.
So netbook is out, I don't want to try the mega gaming laptop thing again because they are so hot and loud that they usually aren't really functional as laptops (Not to mention they cost a lot). So I'm just exploring where in the middle ground I would want to go.
Thanks for all the feedback guys!
I never saw a computer component that licked ass.....
Anyway, skip the netbooks, you'll give your self a head ache. Get something with a decent sized screen. I wouldn't go under 15 inches... That's what she said anyway...
if i was to build up a company, for rendering i either would buy an array of atom dualcores with ion
or something completely different
It wasn't the processor that made me hate netbooks, its the tiny screen and keyboard. 3d would be a nightmare on one. Netbooks are more for someone who needs more than a smartphone, but not a whole full blown laptop.