I know you all are into them, this thread serves as a tribute to post pics and discuss toys, whether it's a toy you loved as a child, a toy you adorn your space (personal or professional) with, a toy you love to play with, a toy you got for your kid but really admire, share your favorites!
I'll things off with one I'm currently admiring the hell out of; Papo Toy's 2010 Tyrannosaurus Rex;

(some of the best google images I could find)
This is currently my son's favorite toy, my parents got it for him last week, it's DAMN well sculpted, super durable, and damn impressive for the price (under $20). All the dinos from the Papo Toy's, as well as the fantasy creatures look awesome. When my 3 year old son isn't running around with it, attacking other dinos, I'm continually checking it out.
And I gotta give the maddest of props to the best toy out there! WRAAAAA!

This dude stands on my desk at work...
My first (and only) Gunpla kit, I was honestly amazed at the quality of these kits... the finished model moves just like a fully articulated toy you'd buy from the store.
Loved this back then.
yah! Thats really all Legos baby! the guy who made this is like my hero, and that cool thing... it floats too!
Pretty accurate to the movie, does all kinds of neat stuff. It only took them 15 fucking years to get a Buzz toy right.
Spidey says HI, ASSHOLES from my desk.
Yeah, Lego really aren't the way they used to be. I had a couple of the huge castle sets when I was a kid and they were amazing. They aren't anywhere near as complicated now. Even back then, the smaller sets were still cool. Now it's like you have one giant base shape and just attach stuff to that.
@theMadArtist Wow man thats fricken awesome! very nice collection you got there
My most expensive toy:
also got this guy:
My Marcus giving you're Spiderman the stink eye...
Here's a blurry phone picture of the stuff on my dresser right now:
And here's the stuff currently atop my monitors:
Wonder how many times we can get photos with photos with photos with photos with photos.....
I have like 12 lotr figures
I work with a guy here that has an entire room dedicated to those lotr figures. I'd love to go in there and trip just to take out a shelf, the entire works would fall too.
I think I have around 10 Gentle Giants Star Wars busts so I'm catching up to you HA
I'll get a slightly clearer/newer pic once I clean things up a little.
Sebas: Superman beats He-Man
It's a hall of mirrors up in here.
I used to have the squishy heads turtles (1st 1st gen, and the Blimp, but some of my toys got stolen or "misplaced" by the movers when I was a kid... F'ing thiefs.
Sometimes I think I should just sell them to a good home since they are all packed away and never see the light of day. Except adding to the hassle of moving each time. When you rent and move as much as I do. Your walls/desk are pretty bare of any flair.
Same here. I've only got 39 tabs open atm, but regularly have 100+
and anything hello kitty basicly, like something like this:
Also, I have a crapton of McFarlane toys, and a few anime toys, mainly Shirow Masamune related. I also have a little tiny black cat that was in all the Trigun episodes for my cell phone charm. It looks like my very first cat who ran away during a heatwave in the summer. If I can get my camera to behave long enough, I'll take a pic of a small portion of my collection.
Oh, and mad props to all of you for taking the toys out of the boxes!! My bro used to ask, "why do you take them out of the boxes, they could be worth money later" as if I was ever gonna sell them for what they're worth... He just didn't get it.
damn the bloodrayne is hot!!!!
bigger pic
how can you top lego + the falcon?!
oh and nice hello kitty laptop. You'd love the hello-kitty-only shops they have here in China where every item is hello kitty themed. It even inspired the evil plan to buy a ton of hello kitty mice and swap them all in our studio...
here's my workplace toy - a chinese tiger:
We have a lot of the Lego Star Wars stuff, every month we tend to buy a few new ships or something. I would take pictures of them by my boyfriend is keeping them all to himself at the office lol.
The sad part about the falcon is after we built it (over 5 months on and off on the weekends) we had to take it apart because well...there was no place to put it...and it weighed like at least 20lbs lol.
aww. looked damn cool though!
reminds me of a weird story of some japanese guy who retired just so he could build model planes. Whenever he got a plane finished, he had to disassemble it again and put it back in the box because his apartment was too small. Behind him was a wall with hundreds of boxes....
haha, I was going to ask about that. That model is huge once it's done, and doesn't really fit on the desk
You guys are making me regret selling all my G1 Transformers and old GI Joe stuff
Main two bits. Puyo Puyo inflatable and Animal Leader (cubivore) figure. Still need to pick up the first cubivore boxset to go along with the second one.