I've done a fair bit of sculpting on this one model and all of a sudden it started slowing down a shit-ton. I restarted mudbox only to find the program hung when trying to open that particular model up again.
Should i like, hit open and leave it on while i go have a biscuit or something, or is the file utterly broken?
it'd been waiting while i made this post, a few minutes later the file opened but it's still slow as a dick. There's only like 6 subdivision levels (the density is at a point where i can still actually see polies, to give you an idea, like, it's at a point where i'd have to divide once more for it to be appropriate for baking normals...)
is this some kind of bug or what? i've been working at this subdivision level for well over an hour and only now does it cry at me
2010 feels better too, you can always give the demo a spin and see if its better.
Also last time I had similar stuff happen, simply 'collapsing' everything to raw geo and subdivided from there did the trick iirc.
thank ye very much though, those sound like the kind of things which would work