Does anyone know how to create a shortcut toggle for displaying selected with edged faces? The option is found in the viewport config screen but the maxscript listener doesn't show anything when I switch it on/off. I seem to use this option all the time so it would be really handy to bind it to a key/quad menu.
i have mine set to shift + F4
Thus the old shortcut will not work...
here's a small maxscript to fix that, It chekcs if you are using nitrous or DirectX, and calls the correct function after that. just map it to your shortcut you used previously ...
Thus the old shortcut will not work...
here's a small maxscript to fix that, It chekcs if you are using nitrous or DirectX, and calls the correct function after that. just map it to your shortcut you used previously. Has the advantage that you can start in Nitrous or DirectX and the same shortcut works in both modes... ....