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What Tablet should I get?

polycounter lvl 7
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madmuffin polycounter lvl 7
Hey everyone, I've been saving rainy day money and have really wanted a tablet for a long time, but a lot of my friends have had issues with them breaking really easily on them before and I'm looking to get something sturdy and reliable for my money rather then shell out for a new tablet every three months.

Anyways, what company/brand/model would you recommend if I said I wanted to do digital painting with it?


  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Drawing tablet? Tablet pc/laptop?
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    Intuos 3 or 4.
    if you want less expensive than that, then get bamboo.
  • Piflik
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    Piflik polycounter lvl 12
    Wacom all the way...they're great...if you have the money get a Cintiq, if not get an Intuos.
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 18
    Yes Wacom. Really there are no other tablets. (others exist, but wacom is THE brand to go with)

    What Piflik said is right on also. If you can afford a cintiq, go for it, if not (like a lot of us) go for a good sized intuos, if (like me) you're quite poor either beg for one for a gift at an opportune time, or go with the bamboo series. I have a bamboo and it works quite well. I also now have an intuos and the additional features are nice, but the bamboo is quite capable in its own right.
  • madmuffin
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    madmuffin polycounter lvl 7
    What is the difference between getting a Bamboo or a Intuos tablet? Like, are there significant differences besides size, or is it just small conveniences I could probably live without?
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    get an intuos wacom 6x8''. its what i have.
  • EarthQuake
    If you want cheap, try to find a used 6x8 either intous 2 or intous 3 these are both still very solid tablets, i have an old intuos 2 that still works after 10 years, and a intuos 3 that i use for work maybe 4 years old. Wacoms last forever, so buying used is never a bad idea. If you want something new, check out a 5x8(widescreen?) Intous 4.

    I feel the 6x8 or 5x8 or whatever similar size is the best, anything smaller is difficult because i have pretty shaky hands, and anything bigger becomes uncomfortable to use. I know some guys like the 9x12s but that is just too big for me.
  • samgriffiths
    Wacom intuous 4 small or medium.. large is a little impractical
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Get one with the biggest pen, anything below six is average, you dont want to be average do you?

    Or the Bambo is good(mines lasted for over a year and a half, as long as you treat it well), there not like race cars, performance differential is negligable. Do you draw on the whole of an A4 paper? Do you draw with your arm or with your wrist? Its perfectly manageable to draw on the smaller tablets.
  • beartraps
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    beartraps polycounter lvl 8
    I have a bamboo small at home and an intuos 3 small at work. I honestly dont notice much difference. The intuos has more pressure sensitivity but other than that I could work with either or and be fine. I wouldn't get an intuos small though, if you're investing in that tablet u may as well go medium. If u have not used a tablet before I would recommend getting the bamboo since its much cheaper and u can get used to the feel.
  • ikken
    madmuffin wrote: »
    Hey everyone, I've been saving rainy day money and have really wanted a tablet for a long time, but a lot of my friends have had issues with them breaking really easily on them before and I'm looking to get something sturdy and reliable for my money rather then shell out for a new tablet every three months.

    Anyways, what company/brand/model would you recommend if I said I wanted to do digital painting with it?

    intuos 3 a5 wide = best price/quality ratio so far.
    if you are used to paint/draw on larger paper size like 12"x17", go for a4 model.

    intuos 4 is blessed with instant nib wear due to high-friction surface (you'll have to replace plastic nibs ocassionally, 5 nibs = $ 10 here)
    and their usb ports are apparently fucked up on some models.

    new tablet every 3 months is BS unless your friends use them for some heavy pillow-fighting once in a three month time.
    I'm using my intuos3 since 2007, so far so good.
  • Rens
    Intuos3 A4 here, though the size is a bit overkill.
    I use it at mouse mode and not pen, so i end up using a small portion of my tablet, the other half became my coffee spot or cookie plate. Though its nice to have the space when needed and im not resting my arm on any edges.

    It is a weird setup with a big ass tablet and a keyboard, i mostly overlap them, you dont want to place one infront of the other, because you'll end up working in a twist and destroy yourself.

    Since you are new? to working with a tablet, its a massive hit in your pocket to start with a big wacom and not knowing the feeling, so maybe its better to start simple and get a bamboo.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    i've ben using a 1st gen 21ux cintiq for a few years,, i love it, once you go cintiq its really hard to have to go back to using a regular tablet. if i was hired at a place that did not offer cintiqs, i would pony up my own money to get me one, or take my personal one to the office to use.
  • jakelear
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    jakelear polycounter lvl 14
    I'm going to sound like a psychopath, but I honestly prefer the intuos 4 to the 12wx cintiq. I own both (planning on selling the cintiq) and I just find that I can treat the intuos more naturally than the cintiq. I like that I can just throw it in my bag and take it with me, and that I can move around easily with it. If I had the money, I'd probably pick up a 21 inch cintiq and keep that as my full time home second monitor, and have an intuos for on-the-go, but the cintiq 12wx is just too clunky for portability, and isn't big enough to work as a full time second monitor.
  • Pankake
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    Pankake polycounter lvl 11
    Check out the Wacom used section:

    Freaking cheap (that's for EU, there's an American estore too.

  • Disco Stu
    Friend bought an "used" a3wide for 200 euros on their site.
    I dont think it was ever used by the looks of it and its gigantic.
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