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Workshop #4 - Mime

polycounter lvl 15
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Mime polycounter lvl 15
My first post with actual work done.

Started modo and 3d in general , so this is my third model , barrel and chair were the first ones.

So here goes... about a day's work...

Also i intend to finish the model if no one minds.



  • SyncViewS
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    SyncViewS polycounter lvl 13
    Hi Mime, your start is fine, you've just framed the general shape well, essential to achieve good results. I made a paint over with notes for improvement, but the only big issue is the general width, as explained. Keep up!

    As for presentation renders I think is better to use a less accented perspective, because is harder to read, even if it can look more appealing. Is better to avoid pure black as background, 15-20% dark gray is already good.

    Anyway, your avatar is marvelous!

  • EarthQuake
    Just a quick note here, i think low FOV on weapons can often look very isometric and uninteresting, i really dont think that its better for presentation.
  • SyncViewS
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    SyncViewS polycounter lvl 13
    Camera narrow angles are absolutely less appealing than a good framed 35mm, I was referring to this particular situation, for workshops to display wips and wires, not for final presentation of course. They are indeed quite boring and dull, but in my opinion is easier to understand the relation between dimensions and if something is off. Orthographic renders, as extreme narrow angle, are reaaally ugly!
  • EarthQuake
    Oh ok, valid point then. However, whenever i see ortho stuff i makes my eyes bleed, i dont know why, i guess my brain wants to force perspective on it, obviously not the same as simply *lower* fov tho.
  • SyncViewS
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    SyncViewS polycounter lvl 13
    Same here! While I was working as product designer, I used to model with Rhinoceros always in perspective with about 50mm lens and the standard XYZ planes. When had to work with mechanical engineer using Pro-E which is ALWAYS set as orthographic by default, I couldn't help but see a cube in viewport "getting wider" on the back relative to camera position, as if it was a truncated pyramid. Once I even asked to query the software for a couple of dimensions to prove myself my eyes were tricking me! :D
  • Mime
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    Mime polycounter lvl 15
    Thank you so much for the paintover SyncViewS. I tried to follow it, as much as i could. BTW your rifle looks gorgeous.
    Also as you and EQ said i tried to get a better render this time.

    Didn't have time to work on it as much as i wanted too, since yesterday was my birthday.
    Plus i'm also learning Modo as i go.

    Hope it's better than the last time.

  • Mime
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    Mime polycounter lvl 15
    A bit more work done, added a few bits and fixed some issues.

  • Mime
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    Mime polycounter lvl 15
    So after more than a month fucking about and not doing anything , i decided it was time to finish this mofo.
    So here's a days work:

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