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Need people who can model/uv environments (fairly low-poly)

Hello, I've finished designing the concepts for a few models that I would like to use inside of a game. I don't know how taboo this is or anything but this is a mod idea that plans to be done for Halo Custom Edition- (Wut, a halo n00b???) I'm not a noob of halo but I do suck at modeling, however despite my own limitations I won't be asking you to do all the work- Just need help to ease the load a bit.

Now, perhaps you wonder why I want to do Halo Custom Edition. I've designed/been designing a story and some environments that will, dare I say it, only get the effect that I want in the old, nostalgic game engine. Even then, I will be using a 3rd party app that greatly increases the capabilities for mods.

tl: dr; I need a modeler who can do large yet fairly low-poly levels in (about) a week (of course, that's negotiable). They don't even have to meet all the engine specs, I can fix up errors.


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