I know many of you might have seen the super bowl spot, but they just released a much extended theatrical trailer. It contains dialogue, and is the first trailer/teaser to do so.
Iroh is cast terribly imo. I mean a lot of people are, but I was really taken aback by his look. He has to be a tea loving fat man to work.
This is supposed to take a trailer slot before the upcoming Percy Jackson movie, which I personally think looks pretty bad

could be wrong though.
a.) he doesn't see his father again until book 3
b.) i saw on IMDB
but I probably wont like it until they get into the 2nd movie and the earth kingdom :X
Toph +Iroh = awesome
It's like that Dragonball movie. I hate the animation too, but the movie was just pathetic.
I think the Casting is just fine. I think it's cool he went all Indian Actors for the Fire Nation. Would have been cool to get some Inuit Looking kids to play Sokka and Kitara but They looked Tribal enough for me.
- BoBo
I'll probably watch it.
anyway i`ll watch it but not in the theater
and if iroh is as grim as he looks the whole time, this movie will blow. iroh's wisdom is so awesome because he doesn't give a fuck, and i really hope that they're able to capture that.
my only problem with M. Night is that his writing is ishy. since he's not at liberty to twist the ending into knots, the only thing that really worries me is that he hasn't really done anything action/epic oriented, and from the looks of a lot of the shots he doesn't really know what he's doing
it's tiny, but here he is:
hope you guys can see this image.
check it out, at 0:09 you can see appa in the top left, the guy was nice enough to frame it.
looks like bad CG =/
Jackson Rathbone: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1717152/
Kangaroo Island eh? I hear that place is really hoppin...Lettuce Leaf?
he's been in all the twilights, i thought you were kidding when you said that x_x
or more realistically unfinished / first pass cg.
I mean, give ILM a break, they have several more months left to add the finishing touches.
i sure hope so, but i doubt they'd throw it in the trailer
I've seen it in trailers before.
I saw an untextured model in the trailer for Die Hard 4.
I remember the super bowl trailer for the Hulk. The compositing was horrible. In the final movie, all had been fixed.
there is no need to tell how i am loving cartoon and waiting for the movie.