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Weaver - Inovative FPS Project Needs Artists

WEAVER PROJECT IS SEEKING ARTISTS! 3D, 2D, sound, etc. Coders also welcome.


Weaver is a team based, online FPS, with stopwatch objective gameplay. The interesting thing about the game is that unlike other FPS, there's no guns. Instead players cast spells, using combinations of mouse movements. The unique casting system, and the huge variety of spells will produce an interesting, challenging, and novel game. Combat will be q3/UT style, fast paced, with a number of spells reflecting weapons from these games. Game play will be focused on teamwork to achieve objectives, similar to that of W:ET and RTCW.

Project Goals
The main goals of this project are to:
  • Realize a unique magic/casting system in place of weapons, with diverse, well balanced spells (nearly 50 planned)
  • Create a team based, fun, challenging, objective based, multiplayer First Person Shooter game
  • Produce a set of maps which focus game play on teamwork and objectives, and complement the available spells
  • Features to support competitive online multiplayer matches
  • Take advantage of modern graphics capabilities (graphics are secondary to gameplay)
An immersive storyline is not a major goal of the project, as such a single player is not currently being considered.

Early Screenshots:
xreal-20091102-224546-000.thumb.jpg xreal-20091102-131535-000.thumb.jpg
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Map artwork and some spells
xreal-20100207-000623-000.thumb.jpg xreal-20100207-000708-000.thumb.jpg xreal-20100207-000736-000.thumb.jpg
Prototype spell casting effects, using a playermodel from xreal (to be replaced)

These videos are intended to show the idea of weaving spells. The artwork is of a rough prototype level (you can see why we need artists!).
Casting Demonstration - First person (26MB) (latest)
Casting Demonstration - Third person (2MB)
Prototype Earthquake effect (9.5MB)

The engine we are working with is Xreal. It is based on ioquake3, with a modern renderer bringing its graphics to the level of quake4 engine. The modern renderer features dynamic lights, bump mapping, specular mapping, relief mapping, deferred shading, HDR, etc. This engine largely uses idtech4 format assets (.mtr material scripts, .md5mesh, .md5anim, etc) but can also take a few other formats (.psk Unreal Engine 3 player models).

Design Documents

These are somewhat out of date, our redmine site now holds most of the management/planning information.

The game will be Free Open Source Software. The code will continue the GPL license from Xreal. Media will aim to use Creative Commons licenses.

Project Forum
Email: dersaidin@gmail.com
IRC: #weaver irc.freenode.net


  • DerSaidin
    Offline / Send Message
    Some new concept art for player models:
    Still seeking artists!
  • DerSaidin
    Offline / Send Message
    Still seeking artists!

    Some more concept art for anyone interested in working on player models:

    This heavy armor design was eliminated, as players should appear more agile. Gauntlets are cool though:

    This shows the upper torso and head for both teams. The top right is the 'Order' team, that will be the next player model we need. The armor in this version is probably a bit heavy, the next one is correct.

    This is the primary design for the 'Fallen' team (on the left, don't worry about those alternate heads). This is the one we need an artist to make!!:

    Less detail of body, also shows head variations, and some animations.

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