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Body Modelling Practice

polycounter lvl 6
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KJ* polycounter lvl 6
Hi, im just looking for some feedback on a model im doing for a uni assignment its my first real attempt at a body model and some of the edge diorhea is due to tri's and ngons...

Its just the base mesh and i feel its ready for zbrush but i wouldnt mind some 2nd opinions and im pretty sure if theres problems you guys will notice it.
Its just meant to be a generic average build. Fairly toned. Im hoping to add larger muscle in zbrush.

Anyways heres the images:




  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    Hey, I think it's allright except these:

    - Having non-square quads can cause some problems in ZBrush later. You can try fixing that by just inserting edge loops to split the rectangles into square-like quads. Also ngons may cause problems as ZBrush can triangulate(or quadriangulate?) them in undesired ways sometimes.

    - The head should be a little narrower.

    And if you put your images between imageurlhere tags it would be easier to see your work.
  • Raider
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    Raider polycounter lvl 9
    tbh there's 2 ways i'd take a base mesh into ZBrush.

    This way, except I'd probably ditch the facial geometry and just keep some for the nose and ears, i find the rest limits my flow in how i work. It has an even spread of quads.
  • KJ*
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    KJ* polycounter lvl 6
    EmAr - Cheers, il look into the tri-quads problem, it does go a little mental around the pecs and shoulders...
    Ive checked for non quads and there aren't any so thats all good, and now you've pointed out the head being to wide, it just looks odd :P.
    I dunno why i didnt use the image tags to be fair :S

    Raider - il take a look at deleting some edge loops from the head. Im not really happy with how the whole upper body has turned out tbf.

  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    tbh there's 2 ways i'd take a base mesh into ZBrush.
    you didn't list your second way ;-)

    EDIT* and about the basemesh, I'd remove one of the loops around the feet and some of the facial geometry like was already mentioned to get a nice smooth, even mesh to work with in Zbrush.
  • Raider
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    Raider polycounter lvl 9
    Yer i had an example of just a much more basic mesh, with just square fingers etc but the link was to a dropbox so it didn't work. Basically that mesh with 20% of the detail is the 2nd way :)

    (at least for me, those are the 2 ways i do it.. others probably do it in other ways like Zspheres from the get go etc)
  • KJ*
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    KJ* polycounter lvl 6
    Hey, i dunno what your stance is on bumping threads etc... but it is an update i guess.

    I wont lie, im happy with how this has come out so far but i can see plenty of work that needs to be done.
    The hands and feet i haven't gone into yet. The back looks a little wrong but its getting there and the abdomen region is the same i feel.
    Id just like to know if im going in the right direction with this really have i missed anything?

  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    hips seem way too narrow actualy everything below the ribcage seems like its about 25% too small
  • Willburforce
    You can use google to get references... shoulders and hip look instantly off.
    rib cage comment is true... look. hands... neck... see?


    When you are scuplting... keep changing the angle to looking down on the model and at other angles to front and sides...

    Keep it up! ;)
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    Pull some refrence images (imageplane) into Zbrush and compare your anatomy...traps look pinched, hips to narrow, legs look way too small. I would nail down your proportions first, then start adding forms

    Doh!..that's what happens when you walk away from your computer without posting what you wrote...
  • KJ*
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    KJ* polycounter lvl 6
    Cheers for the quick responses. I feel abit silly now. I have been using reference images so thats just down to me getting carried away with claytubes, il mark it up against an image plane now and check it out, its just a case of bulking the lowerbody or downsizing the upper body.
    That will teach me to rest on my laurels. Thanks again!
  • KJ*
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    KJ* polycounter lvl 6
    Okay took your advice, ive widened the hips, pushed in the abs a little and shortened the diameter of the arms aswell as making the shoulders a little smaller.

    only thing that really strikes out as not right is the head and neck. The hip still looks abit off aswell, will have to change that soon.

  • woogity
    hey there KJ, i think you are going about this the wrong way. as is commonly a problem with people new to zbrush your working on trying to add macro type details such as nipples when the overall shape of the body is off to begin with. Adding detials such as muscles to a body that dosnt have proper proportions to begin with will only make it look more off. i would work on getting the proportions correct on your basemesh before ever bothering to divide it past sub-d 1. the move and rotate tools in zbrush work great for this if you mask off areas properly before adjusting, also the move brush works like a charm too. you have to make sure your setup is right from the start otherwise its almost impossible to recover from. i would bring it back to sub-d 1 and using the excellent refs people have already posted work on getting the low poly cage to look right first.

    hope it helps!

  • KJ*
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    KJ* polycounter lvl 6
    Okay, you know whats frustrating about that? Is the fact ive been doing that but at a higher SubD so theres my problem then. The nipples... in my defence were only placed in because i could, no reason other than that really.

    Okay so ive gone back down to subd-1 im looking at my references even closer now for the basic shape really. Im still pushing and pulling little parts but does that look better now?

  • woogity
    looking much better man, id say from the new version, upper arms are a bit thick and torso is a bit narrow. also he has really big feet, if you scale those down a bit it will make it look much better pretty fast i think. the knees are a bit bowed, but the shape of the legs is very nice. like the update man!

  • Willburforce
    yes... the update is on a better track now

    aggreed with woogity... i wonder if you look down on the model... just check he is not too "flat" looking down on him. Biceps... defince them to be in line with that flat of elbow joint and i think the rest of the arm will "fall in to place" for you... wrist looks thin.

    he still needs to breath, add a rib cage... at least more of a silouhette of one

    the shoulder span is too broad for the mick jagger snake hips he has now... is it that the top of the arms are too fat?

    Keep at it, hope we are helping!
  • KJ*
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    KJ* polycounter lvl 6
    sorry for the late reply i had it written out earlier but had to go do something and lost it :(. Anyways....

    You guys are definately helping, its a uni assignment which im happy to take time over (its not just picked up overnight) that said however i may have to cut corners and get it finished towards the end but trust me, your criticism is much appreciated and taken onboard.

    Woog - Ive shortened the feet as i noticed it pretty much after the post i made. Im not sure what you mean by the 'bowed' part in the leg. I shall post a side angle and a top angle aswell as front tomorrow with an update as it will probably help you guys

    Willbur - You're right about the arms abit flat, i shall post a side view tomorrow for you. Im not sure what you mean by the biceps and being in line with the flat of the elbow? Surely that would be too low? I have been saving incrementally so i shall give it ago

    Side notes:

    Im not too sure how to go about the arms, The wrist is too small definately but you say the upper arm looks to big. Like i said before ill post a side view and anything else that helps because its not really helpful getting 2 images of the same view over and over.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    press "p" in zbrush to get some (fairly) decent perspective. it'll help a lot in your sculpting.
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    ^^ Very sound advice. You should listen to that one
  • KJ*
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    KJ* polycounter lvl 6
    Okay update:

    Ive been jumping back and forth between SubD 1 and 2 for this part with the inflate brush and masking off areas to scale/move.

    - Shortened the width of the shoulders
    - Added abit more width to the torso and added a basic outline for the ribcage and abdomen
    - Scaled down the feet
    - The wrist has been thickened and the arms corrected (they were pretty distorted from the side so i dont know if thats what made them look off.

    I would say now the neck and arse look a little wierd but i think after i tweak them slightly it should be okay to go up and adding a layer of detail

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