I was wondering if there were artists in the Montreal Area wanting to join each other for something along the lines of inspiration/drawing jams, weekly critiques, project management, technical advice, maybe even modelling/Zbrush groups (for people with lap tops)for the upcoming Dominance War V competition. .
This idea isn't really fleshed out, but I think creating a more structured environment for fellow artists to participate might help each other FINISH, and maybe inspire each other, and raise the bar for what we could do beyond our own.
Let me know if something like this sounds feasible to you guys.
It would obviously be very short and casual meet-ups for feedback and support at coffeeshops and such (as we wouldn't want to take you guys away from actually working for TOO long).

Great idea!
Sounds like a great idea though.
If there's any interest for this, I could probably get some heavy hitting guys to help out with certain aspects of things.
I've talked to Sebastien Legrain to maybe give everyone a bit of a hands-on lesson for various tips and tricks in Zbrush (hybrid Hard Surface modelling/Zbrush HSM). Maybe even go through a few other Zbrush techniques he pioneered.
Nick Oroc (was a featured speaker at ADAPT last year) said he might be able to give everyone a bit of a hands-on concept painting tutorial, which is INCREDIBLY helpful for texture painting.
(He has a newborn, and might struggle to find time, but I'm sure I could get some other high calibre concept artists for various other things).
I also have a few friends who are REALLY top notch animators, who can give us good critiques on posing for action+silhouette+weight.
If this idea appeals to you guys, I might be able to ask some more concept guys I know to maybe help us with our character designs, and possibly setting up our presentation. Maybe even Rendering/lighting guys that might be able to give us a more trained eye to critique our beauty shots.
Does this sound like a kinda cool idea?
....dont worry...our turn is coming up...soon ish.
No doubt. I keep telling myself... It'll happen when it happen.
it happens every year on the dafcon for example, but unfortunately not too many 3dguys come by so i usually keep me laptop in the bag and only take it out if someone has a specific question...
its not like i didn't invite you last time and it was even in YOUR FUCKING TOWN!
If I lived up there, I would totally go, sporting my Couche-Tard mug... love that effing owl logo.
If this is still up and running, count me in! I'd be stoked to participate!