whats_true - Yeah I have learned a lot of lowpoly tricks since that phone... When I revisit it I will definitely pull it down. But I am also keeping them higher than usual because they are going to be in my portfolio.
Thanks guys!
I have a little update on the bike... Worked on the lights, front fork, and I am starting work on the handle bars. More to come C&C are always welcome.
lookin good. curious though, how are you able to pull off this shape with no pinching. usually when i cut into a cylinder like that ill always get pinching around the poles.
Nice choice man, that bike can be a pain to nail the proportions on though. Looks like your off to a solid start, I recognized it the second I saw the thumb on the re-cap so you're def off to a good start!
Only nit pick is it seems like your handlebars are flared back to far. in the concept they're a bit more flared to the side. Could just be a difference in camera angles though. (the grip-E part not the actual neck.)
Wow I totally missed this thread and now that Im here I must say very impressive modeling work. That backpack is amazing and I thought it was zbrushed until I read some of the posts below. Your presentations really show off the models well, keep up the good work.
Oniram - Idk what to tell you sir. It is I did an open chamfer to create an 8 sided hole, shift dragged in, and with edge constraints on I moved the horizontal and vertical vertices around the hole out a bit to match the circular shape of the hole.
You should watch Grant Warrick's series of hard surface videos. He does a pretty nice demo on holes in cylinders. Also be aware that I think there is only a certain size hole that you can cut into an 8 sized cylinder. If you are having trouble it might not hurt to go up in segments. 12 sided... 16 sided...
Grimm_Wrecking - Thanks man! And you have a good eye. :P But bending the handlebars differently was something that had to happen because if you look at the concept he technically couldn't turn the bike because the handle bars were hitting those front poles to the frame. So he was only able to turn about 5 - 10 degrees to each side. That is a problem... lol So I bent them back a bit more so they turn within the frame. I had sent Fred Ram an email and asked him about some things and he pretty much said that the bike wasn't technically perfect... to figure it out, and to make it mine. So throughout this bike you will notice that there will be some things that are slightly different. Like the fact that there is a hand break and a clutch lever on the front that was not really there in the concept.
Just trying to make things either A. functional... or B. more visually appealing.
Thanks to the rest of you guys for the moral support. Though this bike is coming slow. And there is so much to do.
Here is an update. Added wires, clutch, handbreak, speedometer, lightbulb, gas tank, and some other small little things.
Concept is here if you want to take a look
Thanks guys! Much appreciated!
I am taking a break from it though... wanted to finish up some of my other projects.
Here is the diffuse on my jukebox. Almost done... but I would like some critiques on it before I move on to the specular. What do you think?
hmmm... a little update. I think I am done with the diffuse. Moving on to the spec map? Let me know what you guys think.
I personally think the glass still needs some work... but that might just be the lack of a good spec.
Crits and comments always welcome!
The jukebox looks realy nice, love the damage work seams so realistic and not over the top that is easy todo
I was thinking maybe break up the specular on the wood some, maybe add some fingerprints or making it look like someone has tried cleaning it, if you get what i mean :P
(I did actualy make a fingerprint brush for photoshop, if someone wants it ;D)
ErichWK - Thank you very much! Here are the texture maps... I am texturing it at a 2048. Here is the diffuse and emissive maps.
Stromberg90 - Thank you! Glad you don't think it is too over the top. I felt like I was beginning to get there. I agree with the spec though... Right now my spec was just a desaturated diffuse. So I haven't even worked on it yet... it was just temporary while I worked on the diffuse.
I would be very interested in your fingerprint brush though I would gladly implement it into my spec map.
Here is the brushes btw, it's the fingerprint brush pluss 2 other brushes made by me. StrombergsBrushes.abr - 732.5 KB
Hope someone gets to use them, i do uses some of them quite alot myself.
Electro - Thanks! I will try to keep doing so!
Stromberg - DOH! I am sorry man! I got all the way through my spec map and completely forgot I had your fingerprint brushes sitting on my desktop. I will check them out soon. Sorry
Oniram - Much appreciated man!
Quokimbo - >.> <.< Yeah that is probably some advice I should have followed. I guess technically I did though... this is meant for portfolio so it is meant to be shown at 2000+
I hope...
I think I am done guys. Let me know what you think. I am really tired working on this thing though... lol
Well I must say Im a fan of your work in this thread. I love the juke box very solid modeling and amazing texture work on it. Look forward to your next work.
Thank you Huntard!
I am doing some Highpoly test renders... I am about to put together my presentation sheets to add to my portfolio.
Let me know where you think it could improve
Really nice works! One thing that got my attention was the technical aspect of the emissive texture on the jukebox. Right now it is glowing in different colors, it would be really nice to be able to change the colors while the music is playing. If it were on it's separate texture, you could uv scroll, animate the texture. Just a tips!
Thank you guys! Raul it is a bit grainy for the reason you stated... and I had added noise over top of the image in post. I will take it out. I tried to up the samples but I am also on a deadline so I hope these are not too bad.
HotSizzlingJaz - man I am not sure I would know how to go about doing that. I probably would have done it in post for my turntables. Maybe you could give a tiny little explanation?
Snader! Here are the back views!
And this jukebox is officially done done... Trying to get it posted quick enough for a recap! *cross-fingers*:P
whats driving the reflection map? never used the 3point shader before. is it just using 0-1 b/w values to determine how much reflectivity to give?
the emissive is looking slightly washed out.. maybe by the spec it looks like. but it basically looks like you're losing some of the saturation from the emissive map.
Oniram - Awesome! Glad you like it! Refelection map is a b/w map to determine how reflective the surface is. As for the emissive being washed out... it was done purposely to achieve a sort of translucent look to the plastic that the light is shinning through. I couldn't really do SSS on the plastic so I set the emissive map to "Modulative" within the 3point shader. Otherwise it just looked too on/off... too cartoony.
natetheartist and XenoKratios - lol Thanks to the both of you! I will try to keep producing work to merit such amazing reactions
Speed painting! For my environmental modeling class.
Thanks man lol yeah I do feel like that all the time.
Something I have been working on... Yeah I know there might already be something out there like this. *coughpolycountwikicough* Though I still wanted to...
This is really excellent work man. How do you do your textures? Photosource? is everything painted from scratch? Or a good mix? And how did you handle the seam between the wood on the other side of the Jukebox, right above where the black panels and such are. Also would really like to know how you did your bake :P
Following this thread now, this is all great and inspiring work !
Aerial_Knight - It is hard to give you a estimate because the textures were something I worked on and off for probably 4 weeks.
Skamberin - Glad you like it! Textures were all hand painted except for the wood grain, I used a photo for that. And I am not sure which seam you are talking about. The UVW seam where the top of the jukebox was easy to handle. Since it was on an edge it was easy to hide. As for my bake, it was done in 3ds Max and I used material IDs so objects would not cast onto each other. Same result as exploding the model but without moving all the pieces. Then I used the cage method. I feel the offset method is the lazy man's way of casting because you are hoping that everything is just going to work without having to actually do anything. Yeah... not going to happen. Cage is the way to go for that control you need.
Hope that helps.
MattLichy - Thanks man!
Raul - yeah that environment is not going to be shown. It was just to get a grade. :P It was really really bad. lol
Here is my new project.
I am not really liking where it is right now but it is at least to a point where I am not too embarrassed to show it. :P I am trying something I have never done before... which is a slightly cartoony hand painted feel. The textures are FAR from done. Most are either first pass textures/ solid colors or not textured at all. No spec maps right now... Only diffuse and normals. The lighting is a rough pass too. I will tweak that when I am done texturing.
I was made with about 23 modular pieces. It is kinda a lot but it includes a bunch of the small objects that add variation. The layout isn't anything but me just viewing pieces. I placed them in such a way that I could see everything in one go. I will make it more "level-like" when I am done texturing.
i think its coming along rather well so far. i really like the floor texture so far, but i agree that the cracks are pretty rough and may need a bit of some "softening" to them. one of the things im digging the most is what you've done with the bricks along the walls and pillars. placing different size variations of brick helps it not look uniform and repeating. for the top trimming pieces.. i dont think it would really be necessary to put variation as of now.. they seem fine.
the spider webs seem like they could be softer as well.. maybe just adjust the alpha to not have such a harsh edge. one thing i think would also be pretty neat is if u had some statues in this scene as well.. could make it look a bit more "lively"
Thanks guys!
Oniram - yeah the textures are about to get hit with a second pass; I just finished the first pass. This second pass it going to be the hand painted work. Got to start smudgin' and detailin'. Going to try to use Jfletcher's guide... and I have a bunch of reference so those crack will be refined. I agree that I don't think the top trimming needs variation. And now that you mention it the spiderwebs pop a bit too much. It was a couple of things doing it. I had taken my webs and run them through a normal generator... and the normals were not really doing anything but making it look "chunky." So I took that off and also turned the specular on them way down... So I hope that helps. Let me know if they are still weird and I might see about taking the diffuse down from a white to and off white or grey.
Would love to add the statues if I had time. I am aiming to have this project done by friday so I can't add any more. Though when I get free time I am definitely going to be adding more and more pieces. ...and take it into UDK.
Worked on the lights and all textures have been started except for the little rubble pieces.
oh... wait... the pillar and archway haven't been touched. *sigh*
Thanks guys!
I have a little update on the bike... Worked on the lights, front fork, and I am starting work on the handle bars. More to come
Only nit pick is it seems like your handlebars are flared back to far. in the concept they're a bit more flared to the side. Could just be a difference in camera angles though. (the grip-E part not the actual neck.)
You should watch Grant Warrick's series of hard surface videos. He does a pretty nice demo on holes in cylinders. Also be aware that I think there is only a certain size hole that you can cut into an 8 sized cylinder. If you are having trouble it might not hurt to go up in segments. 12 sided... 16 sided...
Grimm_Wrecking - Thanks man! And you have a good eye. :P But bending the handlebars differently was something that had to happen because if you look at the concept he technically couldn't turn the bike because the handle bars were hitting those front poles to the frame. So he was only able to turn about 5 - 10 degrees to each side. That is a problem... lol So I bent them back a bit more so they turn within the frame. I had sent Fred Ram an email and asked him about some things and he pretty much said that the bike wasn't technically perfect... to figure it out, and to make it mine. So throughout this bike you will notice that there will be some things that are slightly different. Like the fact that there is a hand break and a clutch lever on the front that was not really there in the concept.
Just trying to make things either A. functional... or B. more visually appealing.
Thanks to the rest of you guys for the moral support. Though this bike is coming slow.
Here is an update. Added wires, clutch, handbreak, speedometer, lightbulb, gas tank, and some other small little things.
Concept is here if you want to take a look
I am taking a break from it though... wanted to finish up some of my other projects.
Here is the diffuse on my jukebox. Almost done... but I would like some critiques on it before I move on to the specular. What do you think?
I personally think the glass still needs some work... but that might just be the lack of a good spec.
Crits and comments always welcome!
I was thinking maybe break up the specular on the wood some, maybe add some fingerprints or making it look like someone has tried cleaning it, if you get what i mean :P
(I did actualy make a fingerprint brush for photoshop, if someone wants it ;D)
Stromberg90 - Thank you! Glad you don't think it is too over the top. I felt like I was beginning to get there. I agree with the spec though... Right now my spec was just a desaturated diffuse. So I haven't even worked on it yet... it was just temporary while I worked on the diffuse.
I would be very interested in your fingerprint brush though
Aside from that request, top notch man, keep it up!
Thanks Ged! I am almost done!
Here is the brushes btw, it's the fingerprint brush pluss 2 other brushes made by me.
StrombergsBrushes.abr - 732.5 KB
Hope someone gets to use them, i do uses some of them quite alot myself.
I never knew how to judge what size sheets for my assets...Great tip!
Stromberg - DOH! I am sorry man! I got all the way through my spec map and completely forgot I had your fingerprint brushes sitting on my desktop.
Oniram - Much appreciated man!
Quokimbo - >.> <.< Yeah that is probably some advice I should have followed. I guess technically I did though... this is meant for portfolio so it is meant to be shown at 2000+
I hope...
I think I am done guys. Let me know what you think. I am really tired working on this thing though... lol
I am doing some Highpoly test renders... I am about to put together my presentation sheets to add to my portfolio.
Let me know where you think it could improve
HotSizzlingJaz - man I am not sure I would know how to go about doing that. I probably would have done it in post for my turntables. Maybe you could give a tiny little explanation?
Snader! Here are the back views!
And this jukebox is officially done done... Trying to get it posted quick enough for a recap! *cross-fingers*:P
the emissive is looking slightly washed out.. maybe by the spec it looks like. but it basically looks like you're losing some of the saturation from the emissive map.
other than that it looks great.
natetheartist and XenoKratios - lol Thanks to the both of you! I will try to keep producing work to merit such amazing reactions
Speed painting! For my environmental modeling class.
Something I have been working on... Yeah I know there might already be something out there like this. *coughpolycountwikicough* Though I still wanted to...
As for the lighting setup burtonyang, it is a 3 point light setup with Mental Ray and FinalGather. Also did an Ambient Occlusion pass for it.
Should have something new pretty soon. It seems to be getting kinda wordy in this thread. lol Just shows how lazy I am being.
Following this thread now, this is all great and inspiring work
Skamberin - Glad you like it!
Hope that helps.
MattLichy - Thanks man!
Raul - yeah that environment is not going to be shown. It was just to get a grade. :P It was really really bad. lol
Here is my new project.
I am not really liking where it is right now but it is at least to a point where I am not too embarrassed to show it. :P I am trying something I have never done before... which is a slightly cartoony hand painted feel. The textures are FAR from done. Most are either first pass textures/ solid colors or not textured at all. No spec maps right now... Only diffuse and normals. The lighting is a rough pass too. I will tweak that when I am done texturing.
I was made with about 23 modular pieces. It is kinda a lot but it includes a bunch of the small objects that add variation. The layout isn't anything but me just viewing pieces. I placed them in such a way that I could see everything in one go. I will make it more "level-like" when I am done texturing.
Let me know what you guys think?
the spider webs seem like they could be softer as well.. maybe just adjust the alpha to not have such a harsh edge. one thing i think would also be pretty neat is if u had some statues in this scene as well.. could make it look a bit more "lively"
keep it goin. looking forward to more.
looking fowrard to updates
Oniram - yeah the textures are about to get hit with a second pass; I just finished the first pass. This second pass it going to be the hand painted work. Got to start smudgin' and detailin'. Going to try to use Jfletcher's guide... and I have a bunch of reference so those crack will be refined. I agree that I don't think the top trimming needs variation. And now that you mention it the spiderwebs pop a bit too much. It was a couple of things doing it. I had taken my webs and run them through a normal generator... and the normals were not really doing anything but making it look "chunky." So I took that off and also turned the specular on them way down... So I hope that helps. Let me know if they are still weird and I might see about taking the diffuse down from a white to and off white or grey.
Would love to add the statues if I had time. I am aiming to have this project done by friday so I can't add any more. Though when I get free time I am definitely going to be adding more and more pieces.
Worked on the lights and all textures have been started except for the little rubble pieces.
oh... wait... the pillar and archway haven't been touched. *sigh*