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ANIMATOR - No More Room in Hell - Source Engine

No More Room in Hell - Source Engine (Orange Box) - Multiplayer - Survival

No More Room in Hell draws inspiration from George A. Romero's films as the title implies as well as the likes of 28 Days Layer, and the Dawn of the Dead remake from 2004. It draws stylistic inspiration from films such as Cloverfield and Quarantine, and games like FEAR 1 and 2.

Players start on their own, and must find gear, weapons, maps, flashlights and other survivors in order to make it out alive. Each map has randomized objectives and spawnpoints for players and items alike.

The mod began in 2004 and only truly underwent actual development in January 2009 when I had taken the position as team leader.

We have a very dedicated and solid team, with people all over the globe working hard on making the mod finally become a reality. We have a team of testers who play the game thoroughly, reporting all feedback, bugs and suggestions they have to make it the best we can.

The one real position we are lacking is that of a character animator, who seem to be very difficult to recruit.

  • Working knowledge of XSI and/or 3D Studio Max
  • Demo reel demonstrating good quality character animation.
  • Good sense of timing, weight, and flow of motion.

  • Positive Attitude
  • Team Player
  • Knowledge of XSI Mod tool, and Valve .smd format

We have been using default Half-Life 2 animations as placeholders for our characters both player and NPC. This has proven to be helpful in the interim, but we need a character animator to author us original, new animations that suit our needs.


Our homepage: http://www.nomoreroominhell.com
Our Mod-DB Page: http://www.moddb.com/mods/no-more-room-in-hell
Our Valve Wiki Page: http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/No_More_Room_in_Hell
Our first alpha gameplay video: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IGwF0AsIVw[/ame]

You can contact myself, Maxx, by PM'ing me on our forums (Click Here.) or sending me a PM on these forums.
You can also add me on MSN, maxx@planethalflife.com or on Steam Friends at the same address.
You can email me at contact_dac@yahoo.com as well.

Thank you for looking at this post! :)


  • gannonroader
    Offline / Send Message
    gannonroader polycounter lvl 8
    That looks really awesome man, the only comment I have is that the swinging of the melee weapons takes too long, and alot of those weapons you would swing like a baseball bat as compared to the axe chopping wood motion that you use.
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