Hi all-
First allow me to introduce myself since I'm pretty new - mostly a lurker. My name is Gordon, I'm currently a middle school art teacher. I finished my licensure in 2005 and just now got a job - a one year contract. (and you think the game industry is competitive - in teaching you literally have to wait for someone to retire or die so you can get a job) We'll see in a month or so if they're going to hire me on permanently. If that's the case, I want to ask about something I've been mulling over for a while now...
I really became interested in game art in 2004, just before I graduated (of course too late to do anything about it then). That was when the mod scene exploded. Before then I really hadn't thought of a job or career in game art because those jobs did not exist, or were not known as they are now when I was growing up. I listened to advice from people telling me to major in something practical like education, which is what I did. I enjoy it, I do not regret it. But I love making art. It engages me unlike anything else. Over the past few years I have been teaching myself 3D modeling. Progress has been slow but steady. I have used Photoshop since 1998, so I know that like the back of my hand (I used to think I wanted to be a comic book artist). But modeling is really enjoyable. I love creating something from scratch, building it, texturing it, watching it become something you can interact with in the game.
This brings me to my idea... If I become employed full time as a teacher, I will have summers off and get paid (very important).
I want to know: What is the possibility of me shadowing at a studio over the summer as an intern or volunteer?
I just want to be absorbed into the world of game production and take it on full time for the few months that I am able. Nothing would make me happier than to live and breathe game art, and I wouldn't even have to worry about money.
What do you think?
Where do you live? There might not be any studios near by to intern at.
How good is your work? Got anything online to show us?
So it sounds like you want to try working at a game studio to see if you want to take your life in another direction? There might be opportunities to teach basic game design classes in a high school, I know a few around here that have those courses, and some of the teachers have no background in 3D so you might have a leg up on the other teachers.
Wooo wait, they are teaching Game Art and Design in high school now?
Welcome to Polycount. I would say it would be very difficult to find a studio willing to do a 3-4 month internship to coincide with your summer vacation. With a AAA studio at least. Smaller developers I don't know, maybe.
Welcome to poly count sir.
Godo. I suggest you should start watching Warhammer podcast and see there are 3-4 major elements that you need to learn before considering taking an internship.
If you are looking for position just to learn the instences of Game Development (from Art to programming / OO Programming) The section of Freelance work might interest you.
Welcome again.
@ZacD - I live in Columbus, OH. No, there are not really any studios doing 3D here or nearby for that matter. Travel is my only option.
You can view my portfolio here. I am currently practicing hi-poly techniques. You can view some hi-poly WIPs here. I will be adding more work that reflects my current level of ability in the near future.
I have been teaching game creation courses for kids at the Wexner Center for the Arts over the summer since 2006. This year I will be teaching Blender workshops at the public library in addition to the Wexner course.
You can view my resume on my site and see that I have been actively involved in promoting gaming and game art at every position I have held for the past several years.
Let me elaborate - When you're teaching, the time for making art yourself is limited. I work 10-12 hour days, then go home and work on my art only if there are no other home responsibilities to take care of. You ask if I am looking to try to work at a studio to see if I want to pursue a new career path. At this point I know game art is something I am going to pursue regardless. Right now, until I hear whether or not I will receive a permanent position I have to options:
A) Recieve full time teaching job and do remote contract work to supplement my income. Possible summers @ studios.
@Nitewalker - I'm not sure what podcast you're referring to. Are you talking about this site?
Anyway, back to topic - a 2 month shadowing experience. Possible?
You might seriously consider teaching yourself using online resources and some DVD's and look into the possibility of teaching game art somewhere. I remember learning 3d briefly at a community college and the teacher was self taught, so it's certainly possible.
Once you got that gig you could explore game art both as a hobby and for your current position, something to think about! It's hard to get an intership without being a student, doubly hard to get a job without the years of experience.
Whatever happens good luck!