Hello , always working with my crysis thingy , I woul dlike to ask you esperts how I coul dapproach some detailing of my beach , in this moment I was thinking of some scattered shells , should I model them and scatter around or I shoul dinstead use an alpha map decal ? and in case on this could I add a normal map or bump to give a 3d effect?
thats more or less the picture I wanted to use , and any idea how I coul dcrop out those shells from the image in case of an alpha ?
Not sure what capabilities Crysis has specifically but that sounds like a feasible solution. What sort of terrain painting does Crysis have? Vertex colour? RGBA masking of different terrain textures?
My idea was to give a variation to the beach throught the use of 3 main textures
a smooth one for shoreline
a stepped one , flat for shoreline/ back transition
and a messed dunelike one for the back
then on those scatrter here and there some shells / small pbbles , small roots , some algae , some dry fish etc .....
Personally I would use a mix of models (placed using veg tool; you can even make it procedural if you want) and decals.
Good thing about using vegetation tool to place static objects is that you can adjust the settings (draw distance, using sprites, casting shadows, etc.) of the whole group, rather than selecting dozens of small meshes.
You're making a lot of threads in this section. I'd recommend posting everything you do in one thread, and considering this is regarding a project you are currently working on, that thread should probably be in Pimping&Previews - you'll probably get more useful feedback if you post the work you've done there.
Finding a photo you want to use on cgtextures is a good start, but you need to post what you're getting in a thread like I mentioned. Then, people can actually offer feedback. As for suggestions on the new photo set, I'd use the same method as before... it takes a bit of work, and there's no instantaneous solution, but the more you try your hand at getting the results you want, the more you'll learn.
When it comes to software usage, such as Photoshop, especially, hands-on experience is key. You might not get it right the first couple times, but if you have the determination, you're bound to figure it out eventually. Again, I'd recommend maintaining a single WIP thread in P&P - maybe get a moderator to consolidate your current threads (all seemingly regarding this project) and move them there. I see you've gotten some nice feedback in your latest one, but this is still my opinion.
It's a lot more work up front, but if spending all day trying to make perfect selections in Photoshop drives you crazy as it does me then it might be worth it.
There's no need to get hyper detailed with the debris objects/textures either since they're just going to occupy a few pixels for each piece. All you really need are simple colored shapes.
You might not be using Max but the technique could probably be adapted to any 3d app. No real need to use particles either, any sort of paint object placement function and instancing would work just as well, Modo could probably do this kind of thing with replicators.
I also second Vrav's idea of getting all of your threads combined into one if you can. You would probably get more cohesive advice for your scene and workflows that way.